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FEFAC to focus on ‘greening’ livestock farming at meeting

As the EU moves from the Common Agriculture Policy into theimplementation period of the reform package, close scrutiny is required as theagreements are put into practice. At the 57th FEFAC Annual GeneralMeeting, there will be focus on the contribution animal nutrition can make tothe “greening” of livestock farming in order to meet the policy goals forsustainable development while improving competitiveness.

As the EU moves from the Common Agriculture Policy into the implementation period of the reform package, close scrutiny is required as the agreements are put into practice. At the 57th FEFAC Annual General Meeting, there will be focus on the contribution animal nutrition can make to the “greening” of livestock farming in order to meet the policy goals for sustainable development while improving competitiveness.

The key driver for future growth in the compound feed industry will be the anticipated increase in global demand for European dairy products. FEFAC, the European Feed Manufacturers’ Federation, has invited European Dairy Association (EDA) President Michel Nalet to share the EDA’s perspective on EU dairy market outlooks in the background of the CAP reform dynamics, with particular attention for the lifting of milk quotas in 2015.

Martin Scholten, chairman of the Animal Task Force, a science-based organization that brings together industry and academic experts as regards innovations in the livestock industry, has been invited to highlight the key research and development challenges in EU livestock farming and animal nutrition. Submitting common precompetitive research projects in support of initiatives for sustainable agriculture will help to demonstrate the new opportunities for the value chain part of the livestock sector.

FEFAC also invited European Commission Food and Veterinary Office Director Michael Scannell as a keynote speaker to discuss the main implications of the future interaction between the official controls of competent authorities and the private sector’s own check systems. A key focus area will be the role animal nutrition can play to reduce the need for antibiotics, as has been outlined in the EU action plan on antimicrobial resistance.

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