Animal Feed Formulations Library

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Sample feed formulations for commonly farmed animal species, provided as reference materials

Broiler and layer feed formulations available for download

Download free interactive Broiler Feed Formulations, Layer Feed Forumlations and Swine Feed Formulations Excel spreadsheets.

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Developed by  Ioannis Mavromichalis, Ph.D.
Presented by WATT Global Media

The Animal Feed Formulation Library is a group of commercial feed formulas for major farmed animals. They were developed to represent common current practices in the United States and Europe. Their role is to provide an educational example for those not directly engaged in commercial animal nutrition. As such, these formulas remain incomplete and generic, focusing only on the basic principles of nutrition.

A qualified nutritionist with knowledge of local conditions could use these formulas as a starting point to create farm-specific finished results with authority and responsibility.

To start, please review the disclaimer below and read the General Information page to understand how these formulas were created and what they can or cannot be used for before perusing these formulas.

Table of Contents

In 2020, WATT Global Media and Ioannis Mavromichalis, Ph.D. published a series of animal feed formulas as a general information resource material. These formulas are not complete, but the exclusions, such as additives and vitamin/mineral premix specifications, are either covered in other publications or will be published in the future as part of this library of feed formulas.

Layer feed formulations and analysis

The article acts as a guide to describe Mavromichalis’ approach to the development of the series and frames how to use the information found throughout.

General: How layer feed formulas for U.S. white and EU red layers were created

Each installment of the layer feed formula installment includes analysis and sample formulations for typical layer diets for both U.S. white and EU red hens during both the development and production phases of the life cycle. In total, there are 12 formulas.

Swine feed formulations and analysis

This article acts as a guide to describe Mavromichalis’ approach to the development of the series and frames how to use the information found throughout.

General information: How the swine feed formulations were created

Each swine feed formulation feature includes analysis of the defined diet and includes sample formulations for different points in a pig’s life cycle: nursery/young pigs, grower-finishing and breeding.

Broiler feed formulations and analysis

This article acts as a guide to describe Mavromichalis’ approach to the development of the series and frames how to use the information found throughout.

General information: How the broiler feed formulas were created

Each separate broiler feed formulation feature includes analysis of the defined diet and includes sample formulations of rations at different points in the life cycle of the broiler chicken: starter, grower and finisher.

DISCLAIMER: All information under the section of Animal Feed Formulations Library is provided only as an information resource. It is not to be used or relied upon for any academic, commercial, public, private or other purposes. This information is not intended to be education for students or any other professional and does not create a student-mentor relationship. This information is not intended to be consulting for private or public entities and persons and does not create a client-consultant relationship. This information should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. Please consult with your local nutritionist, extension professional, feed representative or specialist, veterinarian or animal science technician before making any nutrition related decisions or for guidance about any specific nutritional or other issue.

Ioannis Mavromichalis, Ph.D., WATT Global Media and their owners, affiliates and employees shall have no liability for any damages, loss, injury, financial or animal performance and results, or liability whatsoever suffered as a result of your reliance provided in this section, even after your consulting with your advisers.


For comments, questions or suggestions, please contact Ioannis Mavromichalis, [email protected], or Feed Strategy's editor Jackie Roembke, [email protected].