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PEDv Update offers news, updates on PED virus

There is a new PEDv Update “button” on the main web page. This is an initiative that gathers together all WATT stories, across all media (, Pig International eNews, Pig International, Feed International) and provides a one-stop solution for keeping updated on the porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED) virus.

The porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED) virus continues to expand in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and now in Japan. It is already endemic in China and other Asian countries, and many fear it will not be long before it reaches Europe, whereas in Latin America they consider it a matter of time before they are hit, too.

WATT Global Media reports frequently on this issue, and we have published many articles and news items. These stories not only describe the progress of the virus across the globe, but also provide insights on how to address the problem, to the measure this is still possible with the limited means available to the pig industry.

There is a PEDv Update “button” on the main web page. This is an initiative that gathers together all WATT stories, across all media (, Pig International eNews, Pig International, Feed International) and provides a one-stop solution for keeping updated on this disease. It is worth checking the landing web page frequently, and even to bookmark it; we are keeping an eye out for anything useful to help producers either reduce the impact of the disease or reduce the risk of getting it into their pigs.

Any suggestions on this initiative, or how else we could be of help in this time of crisis, please email me, or leave a comment here. I would be more than happy to consider any idea!

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