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PEDv: Page 2
African Swine Fever
VIDEO: Inside China’s swine rebound, challenges ahead
SwineTex consultant Todd Thurman provides an ASF update and offers insight into the challenges ahead for Chinese pig producers.
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OP-ED: How to actively prevent feed from being a fomite
Dr. John Clifford, USAPEEC veterinary trade adviser and former USDA Chief Veterinary Officer, provides his insights on pathogen control.
African Swine Fever
Medium-chain fatty acids: Protecting pigs from pathogens
Learn how medium-chain fatty acids can be utilized as an in-feed biosecurity tool to protect pigs against bacteria and viruses.
African Swine Fever
How biosecurity, feed additives combat pig diseases
Learn how the latest feed additive research and innovations mitigate and prevent pig diseases at the Feed Strategy Conference.
African Swine Fever
K-State gets first-hand PEDv lesson, applies it to ASF
Steve Dritz, professor and swine specialist at Kansas State University, tells how the university responded to its first swine disease event in recent history.
African Swine Fever
Insurers offer policies to protect against ASF losses
Insurers are rolling out policies designed to protect pig farmers from potential losses that can result from the African swine fever (ASF) virus.
Animal Nutrition Views
Blaming animal proteins for disease spread is naive
Instead of calling for a ban every time a disease emerges, we should focus on quality assurance and buying from reputable suppliers.
African Swine Fever
Study: Imported animal feed could carry livestock viruses
A study has found that livestock viruses can survive in animal feed and that “the right virus paired with the right ingredient” can cause transmission of viruses from other countries in imported feed.
Biosecurity key to preventing PED virus spread in winter
During winter, it is important to remember that porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED) virus thrives in cold weather.
IPVS 2016: diseases, legislation among top concerns
I'm back from Dublin, Ireland, and the International Pig Veterinary Society Congress (IPVS) 2016 conference, and it is a good time to reflect on what impressed me the most at this all-veterinarian event.
Latest News
Two recipients named AFIA Member of the Year
The American Feed Industry Association named Cathy Bandyk, Ph.D., of Westway Feed Products LLC, and Ronny Moser, Ph.D., of JBS United, Inc., its Members of the Year during a ceremony at its Board of Directors dinner May 4, in Arlington, Va.
Top 6 stories from 2015 Pig International
I have identified six articles (one from each of our six published issues in 2015) with the greatest impact among our readers. I think they deserve a second look as they contain information that remains relevant.
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