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Pig Health & Disease
African Swine Fever
Swine fever confirmed on farms in Japan, Malaysia
In Peninsular Malaysia, pigs at a third farm have tested positive for the African swine fever (ASF) virus, while Japan has confirmed its first outbreak of classical swine fever (CSF) since October 2024.
Pig Health & Disease
Researchers identify molecule that could prevent PRRS
Researchers from the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources have identified a small molecule that can successfully disable the virus’ mechanisms for reproducing and evading the host organism’s immune system.
African Swine Fever
ASF outbreaks reported in pigs in Malaysia, Vietnam
Meanwhile, in Europe, recent African swine fever outbreaks have occurred in non-commercial domestic pigs in four countries, and more widely among wild boar.
SHIC releases final reports on biosecurity studies
The Swine Health Information Center (SHIC) has released final reports on wean-to-harvest biosecurity to reduce disease transmission.
African Swine Fever
South Korea, Hong Kong confirm further ASF outbreaks on farms
As a second outbreak of African swine fever (ASF) is confirmed in South Korea in 2025, domestic pigs on two farms in Hong Kong also test positive for the virus. In Europe, the number of cases in wild boar already exceeds 1,200 for this year.
African Swine Fever
South Korea records 50th ASF farm outbreak
Also in East Asia, the disease has returned to Mongolia, and there have been further outbreaks in domestic animals in five European countries.
African Swine Fever
German state calls for long-term national ASF strategy
Meanwhile, further cases of African swine fever (ASF) have been reported among European backyard herds of domestic pigs and wild boar, and Hong Kong has recorded its first farm outbreak after a 12-month hiatus.
Pig Health & Disease
Wisconsin Pork Association offers rebates for PRRS, PEDv testing
The rebates will be offered in two tiers as long as funds are available. Tier 1 is a US$25 rebate to pork producers to offset the cost of ELISA testing, and Tier 2 is a US$50 rebate to offset PCR testing costs.
African Swine Fever
Total swine cull under consideration to control ASF in Sri Lanka
Meanwhile, further cases of African swine fever in domestic pigs have been reported in Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal and Vietnam, as well as five European countries.
Animal Health & Veterinary
Study casts doubt on efficacy of ingredient holding times for ASF
University of Minnesota researchers see 'no appreciable decline' of virus in feed after 120-day holding period.
African Swine Fever
Sri Lanka’s pig sector hit hard by ASF
Since the African swine fever (ASF) virus was first detected in the south Asian state in October, it has spread rapidly to affect more than 130 pig herds across Sri Lanka.
Do piglets still need animal plasma?
Animal plasma has been a staple in piglet diets since the early 1990s, but is its cost still justified in contemporary feed formulations?
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