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Pig Health & Disease
Wisconsin Pork Association offers rebates for PRRS, PEDv testing
The rebates will be offered in two tiers as long as funds are available. Tier 1 is a US$25 rebate to pork producers to offset the cost of ELISA testing, and Tier 2 is a US$50 rebate to offset PCR testing costs.
Manitoba reports first case of PED virus in 2024
The case was identified in a finisher barn in southeastern Manitoba, according to reports, and has triggered full biocontainment as outlined in the Manitoba PED Elimination Plan.
Is a PEDv-free pig industry possible?
Swine health experts say porcine epidemic diarrhea virus can become a thing of the past, but it will take everyone’s effort.
African Swine Fever
Rabobank: Global pork industry cautious in 2023
Weaker economic growth is beginning to take a toll on global pork consumption, Rabobank said in its latest quarterly pork report.
African Swine Fever
Study to assess ASF contamination potential in soybean products
Soybeans seem to stabilize ASF more than in other feed ingredients. Scientists want to understand if that helps spread the disease.
African Swine Fever
Grain prices, disease, China wild cards in pork market
A new report from Rabobank says volatility in several areas will weigh on global pork markets throughout 2023.
African Swine Fever
Nutritional measures to prevent the spread of ASF virus
Find out seven things nutritionists can do to mitigate the spread of African swine fever in feed.
African Swine Fever
Can pig feed ingredients transmit the ASF virus?
Can feed be a vector for the ASF virus and, if yes, can we do something about it?
Animal Feed Manufacturing
Beyond biosecurity: new ways to keep viruses out of feed
It’s been a decade since PEDv was discovered lurking in animal feed. Will the technology of the future render animal feed virus free?
African Swine Fever
Rabobank: Lower feed costs give pork producers a break
Global pork trade was slow in the first half of 2022 but is expected to rise in the second half due to demand from China.
Latest News
Researchers create rapid test for livestock diseases
A prototype of a rapid test developed at McMaster University can detect porcine epidemic diarrhea virus.
Animal Health & Veterinary
Virginia Tech to test new vaccine technology against PEDv
Use of a nanoparticle vaccine could stop the spread of evasive PEDv mutations more effectively than conventional vaccines, researchers say.
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