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Easy Bio acquires US grain trade, compound feed company

South Korean livestock company Easy Bio Inc. has entered the U.S. market with its acquisition of DFS Oskaloosa L.L.C. The transaction was finalized on December 3.


South Korean livestock company Easy Bio Inc. has entered the U.S. market with its acquisition of DFS Oskaloosa L.L.C. The transaction was finalized on December 3.

Headquartered in Oskaloosa, Iowa, DFS Oskaloosa is a midsize grain trade and compound feed company with annual feed production capacity of approximately 500,000 metric tons. Estimated sales for feed and grain in 2018 was about $100 million.

Company officials noted that DFS was the ideal company for Easy Bio to acquire to expand its presence in the U.S. market, with its location at the heart of the Corn Belt and solid operations in grain and feed businesses.

Easy Bio will dispatch a representative to effectively establish a real-time analytic system for grain purchases, trade, quality management and logistics, and to simultaneously connect this data with its group companies. Easy Bio is also expecting to create a synergistic effect by introducing feed additives, currently exported to 40 countries, to DFS feed products, foreseeing expansion of sales for both businesses.

“Our commitment to strengthening our overseas projects has led us to the successful acquisition of DFS, which we hope, will serve as a platform for continuous growth in the American market,” said Young Hyun, vice chairman of Easy Bio. “We are constantly looking for other opportunities for global expansion.”

According to WATTAgNet’s Top Feed Companies database, Easy Bio was the second largest feed company in South Korea at the close of 2015. The company holds 8.5 percent domestic market share through its four subsidiaries: Seoul Feed Co., Easy Bio, FarmStory/Dodram and Easy Farms. Easy Bio operates 11 feed mills in South Korea and the Philippines. Additionally, Easy Bio owns pork and poultry producers, and claims global reach with its line of feed additives and supplements. The company runs direct operations in the United Kingdom, Thailand, Philippines, Russia, China, Iran, and is active with distributors all over the world.

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