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Brazil to produce more soybeans and less corn in 2015/2016

According to information published by the Brazilian National Supply Corporation (Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento or Conab), the 2015/2016 grain harvest is estimated to be between 208.6 and 212.9 million metric tons.

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According to information published by the Brazilian National Supply Corporation (Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento or Conab), the 2015/2016 grain harvest is estimated to be between 208.6 and 212.9 million metric tons, with a variation range of up to 2.1 percent (4,384 metric tons) above the 2014/2015 harvest, which recorded 208.5 million tons. The numbers come from the second study of the Brazilian Grain Harvest Monitor bulletin, released this week by Conab.

Soy crops have increased in these recently released figures and may reach 102.8 million metric tons, that is, an estimated increase between 4.9 and 6.6 million metric tons compared to the previously produced harvest of 96.2 million metric tons. Production for the first corn harvest is estimated at 26.5 and 28.2 million metric tons, a reduction of 11.8 and 6.4 percent, compared to the 2014/2015 harvest of 30.1 million metric tons. Wheat also recorded a decrease of 6.8 percent compared to the last survey and reached 6.2 million metric tons, 4.3 percent higher than the previous harvest.

The estimated hectarage is between 57.9 and 58.9 million, an increase of 1.6 percent over the 2014/2015 harvest, which closed at 58 million hectares. This increase is due to soy crop increases between 2.1 percent (671,300 hectares) and 3.8 percent (1.22 million hectares). The first corn crops may be reduced between 5.6 and 5.8 million hectares, a reduction of 4.8 percent compared to last harvest.

The study was performed between October 18 and 24 with data collected in the field plantings from production, estimated averages, technology used by producers and other variables.

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