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Pig Health & Disease: Page 3
Pig Health & Disease
$4M research program to prevent spread of H5N1 in US swine
The Swine Health Information Center, Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research and the Pork Checkoff will fund a US$4 million research program to enhance prevention, preparedness, mitigation and response for H5N1 influenza in the U.S. swine herd.
Avian Influenza
USDA confirms first H5N1 detection in swine
Infection occurred on a non-commercial operation in Crook County, Oregon, where cases in poultry had previously been reported.
African Swine Fever
Philippines rolls out ASF vaccination to commercial farms
Before the Philippines can further roll out its official African swine fever (ASF) vaccination program, some bottlenecks need to be solved.
African Swine Fever
New ASF outbreaks in India, South Korea, Vietnam, 3 European states
As the Philippines prepares to step up its vaccination campaign against African swine fever (ASF), further outbreaks are reported in India, South Korea, Vietnam, Italy, Romania and Ukraine.
African Swine Fever
ASF vaccine rollout continues in the Philippines
Scheduled to receive their first doses of vaccine against African swine fever (ASF) in the coming days are domestic pigs at an international training center in the Philippines.
New SHIC projects aim to advance US swine farm biosecurity
The Swine Health Information Center’s Wean-to-Harvest Biosecurity Research Program, in collaboration with the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research and Pork Checkoff, has recently funded two new projects to advance biosecurity of U.S. swine farms.
Animal Nutrition Views
Oral iron supplements to prevent anemia in newborn piglets
Selecting the right oral iron supplement for newborn piglets involves considering the piglets’ health status, farm management practices and the specific needs of the herd.
African Swine Fever
Further evidence of ASF vaccine efficacy from the Philippines
Results from the first phase of the rollout of the African swine fever (ASF) vaccination campaign indicate that the vaccine is effective in terms of the immune response in vaccinated animals.
Animal Nutrition Views
The optimal dose of iron dextran in piglets: 100 mg vs. 200 mg
There is ongoing debate in the swine industry about the optimal dosage of iron dextran for piglets — 100 mg or 200 mg.
African Swine Fever
Philippines presses ahead with ASF vaccinations
Plans are being put in place for the next phase of the African swine fever (ASF) vaccination campaign in the Philippines: Further vaccines are being procured, even as the virus spreads across the country.
Pig Health & Disease
NutriQuest, Modulant Biosciences partner on swine disease research
Modulant Biosciences, an Indiana-based biotechnology company, has discovered a small molecule capable of combating the PRRS virus.
Livestock & Poultry Diseases
FAO conference aims to tackle threat of animal diseases
The three-day event represents a unique opportunity to explore how to integrate existing mechanisms and knowledge with new and improved tools to reduce the global burden of animal disease.
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