The annual Feed Strategy World’s Top Feed Companies edition ranks integrators and vendors (and companies that are both). Here’s how just the integrators stack up.
The most recent Feed Strategy World’s Top Feed Companies rankings for the first time include a comprehensive combination of integrators and vendor companies, whereas in previous years the list had focused on vendors. The companies are ranked by annual feed production tonnage for calendar year 2019.
Of the top 10 integrators listed below, all of them also are feed/feed ingredient vendors, reflecting the overall worldwide landscape of integrated protein companies.
Top 10 feed integrators worldwide, ranked by annual feed production (x 1,000 metric tons)
- CP Group: 27,650
- New Hope Group: 20,000
- Cargill: 19,600
- BRF: 10,506
- Tyson Foods: 10,000
- Nutreco: 9,000
- JA Zen-Noh: 7,200
- WH Group: 5,208
- Tongwei Group: 4,900
- Harim Group: 4,797
Companies in the top 10 feed producers worldwide rankings (see below) that are not integrators are: Land O’Lakes, Wen’s Food Group, Haid Group and ForFarmers N.V.
Top 10 feed producers worldwide, ranked by annual feed production (x 1,000 metric tons)
- CP Group (Thailand): 27,650
- New Hope Group (China): 20,000
- Cargill (United States): 19,600
- Land O’Lakes (United States): 13,500
- Wen’s Food Group (China): 12,770
- Haid Group (China): 12,290
- BRF (Brazil): 10,506
- ForFarmers N.V. (Netherlands): 10,095
- Tyson Foods (United States): 10,000
- Nutreco (Netherlands): 9,000
Learn more about the world’s top feed integrators
For more feed integrator insights, access the world’s leading feed producers database and filter by “Integrator” to look up individual company profiles. The database can also be used to sort by region, country or key product category. It offers information on more than 180 feed producing companies from around the world. The profiles include, where available, annual feed tonnage, number of feed mills, geographic markets served, key product categories and headquarters location.
Annual Feed Strategy World’s Top Feed Companies survey
Feed Strategy World’s Top Feed Companies edition includes rankings of the feed producing companies throughout the world. The next set of rankings will be published in September 2021. To participate in the survey or for further questions, please email [email protected].