Editor's note: The deadline for feed additive and premix companies to get on the list has been extended to March 20.
U.S. animal feed facilities that wish to export feed additives and/or premixes to China will have to follow a new protocol to do so, and an important deadline is quickly approaching.
China Decree 118 requires every U.S. feed facility exporting non-medicated feeds to China to be registered with the Chinese government agency, Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ). AQSIQ must establish a protocol for feed facilities to become registered for export to China. Once the protocol is established for feed additives and premixes, all U.S. facilities that wish to export feed additives and/or premixes to China will have to follow this new protocol.
By the end of 2017, AQSIQ intends to conduct the risk assessment needed to enable it to establish this protocol for U.S. feed additive and premix facility registration. As part of the risk assessment, AQSIQ is requesting from the industry an all-inclusive list of U.S. facilities currently exporting and/or wishing to export feed additives and premixes to China in the next five years. This facility list will be used to determine which facilities will participate in a visit by AQSIQ so it can determine a checklist of requirements for all U.S. facilities that wish to export feed additives or premixes to China.
The deadline for feed additive and premix companies to get on this list is March 20, so the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) is urging its members to act quickly.
Once the protocol, or checklist of requirements, is determined by AQSIQ and the protocol is implemented, the facilities on the list originally provided to AQSIQ will be able to apply for facility registration for export of feed additives and premixes to China based on this checklist of requirements.
8 feed product categories
China Decree 118, which applies to all countries that wish to export feed to China, came out in 2009. Since 2011, AQSIQ has been implementing protocols for U.S. facility registration under Decree 118 by eight feed product categories: forage, fish meal, non-ruminant animal feed, pet food, plant-based protein feed, feed additives and premix, compound feed, and live animal feed (bait).
If a company is currently or in the future wishes to export to China and the product doesn’t fall under one of the other categories, then it falls under the feed additives and premix category, and the company should therefore make sure it gets its facility on AFIA’s list for AQSIQ’s consideration by March 20. If a facility is not included on the initial facility list AFIA presents to AQSIQ, the next opportunity to register for export of feed additives and/or premixes to China will be five years after the protocol is established.