Is there a future for mega farms in our modern society? This is a question that keeps puzzling many layers of our societies, especially those of the more developed world.
According to some political thinking, mega farms should be eliminated. Their reasoning is complex, but mostly focuses around the issues of pollution, regulation and their ability to extend beyond national borders and whatever this might entail in terms of taxation, patronage, etc. In some cases, these mega farms resemble the mega tech companies and their current struggle with societies, not only the authorities.
On the other hand, mega farms are considered by many as the only possible future especially as we focus on sustainability, accountability, and many other “ability” issues that are hard to monitor when there are thousands of small farms, but easier when there are only a few hotspots to interact with. Economy of scale comes also into play, especially in a world that is advancing and expanding, demanding at the same time better nutrition, and a better environment to live in.
There is a political party in a major European country that is close to winning the government race. This party has stated very clearly that breaking up mega farms is high on its agenda. Whether this is a good or bad thing will be something for future generations to evaluate. What we can do right now is anticipate this potential threat or opportunity and adjust our plans accordingly. It should not escape our attention that all modern movements in the political arena of the animal industry have originated in northern Europe, and this might not be the end of it.