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How are you keeping chicken consumers engaged?

It’s time to recognize innovating marketing and creative excellence in promoting chicken consumption.

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Cost Conscious Consumer Buying Chicken
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In celebration of innovation and creativity in promoting chicken consumption, nominations are now open for the 2024 Chicken Marketer of the Year award, with nominations being accepted until May 1, 2024.

This award honors exceptional efforts in retail, foodservice, direct-to-consumer, producer/integrator organizations and companies who have demonstrated innovative marketing and creative excellence in promoting chicken consumption. 

Submissions for Chicken Marketer of the Year will be accepted until May 1. To submit your free nomination, visit

How to enter

We encourage participants to share their stories of why the nominee deserves to be named the Chicken Marketer of the Year. Your FREE entry should describe and demonstrate how the nominated company or organization uniquely excelled as a chicken marketer during the 2023 calendar year.

Submissions should answer the following questions:

  • What was the business challenge?
  • What were the objectives to this marketing campaign? (e.g. get distribution, raise purchasing intent, grow market share, etc)
  • What strategies and tactics did you use in this marketing campaign? Provide specific examples.
  • How did you judge the success of this campaign?
  • How did the campaign ultimately perform?

Examples of specific marketing or public relations campaigns — whether print, digital, video, audio, social, grass-roots, in-store or integrated across multiple channels — are strongly encouraged.

What you’ll win

Finalists will be profiled in Poultry Future and WATT PoultryUSA publications and at the 2024 Chicken Marketing Summit. The winning organization will be recognized during a trophy presentation at the 2024 Chicken Marketing Summit.

A representative from the winning organization must be present and will receive free registration, two nights stay at the Renaissance Birmingham Ross Bridge Golf Resort and Spa in Birmingham, Alabama with reimbursement for coach airfare or for mileage driving to the 2024 Chicken Marketing Summit, scheduled for July 29-31.

Submissions for Chicken Marketer of the Year will be accepted until May 1. To submit your free nomination, visit

Attend the 2024 Chicken Marketing Summit

Make plans to attend the 2024 Chicken Marketing Summit at the Renaissance Birmingham Ross Bridge Golf Resort & Spa in Birmingham, Alabama, on July 29-31, 2024. This one-of-a-kind event will look forward to the consumer of 2035 and the issues that will impact their protein choices.

For the first time, the Summit will have two content tracks. As always, one track will focus on consumer trends of today and what will be expected in 2035 and how advancing digital technology will impact how chicken will be sold and marketed in the future. The second content track will explore how the industry will meet consumer expectations by adapting new and existing technologies to raise and process broilers utilizing fewer resources and with improved welfare, food safety and convenience.

Submit your free nomination for Chicken Marketer of the Year.

Registration for the 2024 Chicken Marketing Summit is now open. For more information, go to



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