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Clarkson introduces ‘Certified Transition’

Clarkson has introduced Certified Transition – a new farming and food processing industry certification that provides additional opportunities for food and feed manufacturers to meet consumer demand for organic products.

To address the supply-constrained market for organic ingredients and increase domestic organic acreage, Clarkson has introduced Certified Transition – a new farming and food processing industry certification that provides additional opportunities for food and feed manufacturers to meet consumer demand for organic products. Certified Transition also allows family farmers to create value by getting a premium for their crops, and sell product before their acreage has fully-transitioned to Certified Organic.

By definition, Certified Transition consumer food and animal feed products will contain ingredients made from crops harvested one-year after the transition to organic has begun, but before the three-year minimum transition period is completed. These products will be certified under the USDA Process Verified Program (PVP). Processors and farmers can be certified by the same independent companies that provide organic certification, so that moving from Certified Transition to Certified Organic is seamless.

“We believe that the Certified Transition program is the biggest change to the organic market since the release of the federal organic regulations,” states Lynn Clarkson, company founder and long-time participant in the organics industry. “It was created from our desire to assist in the growth of domestic organic crops and food products. This certification is open to all food and feed manufacturers, and farmers, who want to make a sustainable difference through organics.”

Clarkson is an Illinois-based grain, oilseed, and ingredient supplier to the food manufacturing and animal feed industries. It specializes in the growing, storage and processing of identity-preserved, Non-GMO, Certified Organic and Certified Transition corn, soybeans, soy ingredients and dry beans. Clarkson partners with growers throughout the United States and Canada to offer several exclusive corn hybrids and soybean varieties to global manufacturers.

For more information on the Certified Transition program, please contact: George C. Kalogridis, Organic Transition Coordinator at [email protected]

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