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See you at World Pork Expo next week

The U.S. is atthe forefront of worldwide research, development, innovation and technology inthe pig industry, and there is no better place to see all these things than atthe World Pork Expo.

Like every year, I am going back to the U.S. for the World Pork Expo, the annual mega-event in the world of all things pig. I am excited, not only because I will be back "home" once more, but also because the U.S. remains at the forefront of worldwide research, development, innovation and technology when it comes to the pig industry. And, there is no better place to see all these new things implemented than at the World Pork Expo. In fact, if I could but visit the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) Midwest meeting as well, then I would consider myself even more fortunate.

This brings to mind a frequent question I receive from many readers: Which shows, events, fairs, expos, etc., should I visit to stay informed on global developments in the pig industry? I am sure each of us has their own list, and so, here’s my own:

This covers the expositions, but for a more science-oriented crowd, one could do no better than attending these events:


What are the events that you attend to stay on top of your game?

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