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UK pig production could drop 10 percent by end of 2012

UK's pig production could drop 10 percent by the end of 2012 unless feed prices improve, according to a recent survey by the National Pig Association. In July, when the cost of feed wheat increased by more than 25 percent and soya increased by even more, some producers began culling sows to remain sustainable.

UK’s pig production could drop 10 percent by the end of 2012 unless feed prices improve, according to a recent survey by the National Pig Association.

In July, when the cost of feed wheat increased by more than 25 percent and soya increased by even more, some producers began culling sows to remain sustainable. A total of 26,000 sows and boars were culled in England and Wales in July, an increase of 7,000 over June numbers, according to government figures. Furthermore, National Pig Association officials said that when the August statistics are available, they will show an on-going upward trend in sow slaughterings.

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