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Ukraine corn exports may rise 20 percent

Ukraine corn exports may rise 20 percent, with sales jumping to 15 million metric tons in the 2012–2013 season from 12.5 million metric tons in the previous season, according to the State Food & Grain Corp. of Ukraine. Such numbers would put Ukraine in contention with Argentina as the second-biggest corn shipper, and would mean a record year for Ukraine, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data.

Ukraine corn exports may rise 20 percent, with sales jumping to 15 million metric tons in the 2012–2013 season from 12.5 million metric tons in the previous season, according to the State Food & Grain Corp. of Ukraine.

Such numbers would put Ukraine in contention with Argentina as the second-biggest corn shipper, and would mean a record year for Ukraine, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data. Ukraine’s next harvest may rise to between 25 million metric tons and 27 million metric tons, from the current harvest’s 22.8 million metric tons, as farmers plant corn in winter-wheat areas damaged by freezing weather.

As for 2011–2012 numbers, Argentina and Ukraine are expected to tie for second place as global suppliers, shipping 14 million metric tons of corn each. The U.S. will retain the number one spot with 43.2 million metric tons, according to the USDA. The U.S. 2012 crop may reach 14.235 billion bushels, the most on record dating to 1866, after planting the biggest acreage since 1944 at 94 million acres. 

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