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Nutreco announces five-year growth strategy

The Netherlands-based fish and animal feed company Nutreco has announced a strategy update for the next five years, focusing on sustainable growth. Nutreco says its ambition further builds on the existing strategy to grow and improve profitability by innovative and sustainable applications for its customers.

The Netherlands-based fish and animal feed company Nutreco has announced a strategy update for the next five years, focusing on sustainable growth.

Nutreco says its ambition further builds on the existing strategy to grow and improve profitability by innovative and sustainable applications for its customers. This will be realized by focusing on premix, feed specialties and fish feed and by expanding into the growth geographies of Latin America, Russia, China and Southeast Asia, which will see the greatest increases in both production and consumption of animal protein food products.

The key elements, according to the company, are:

  • an increase in profits
  • the establishment of Application and Solution Centre (ASC) for Europe in the Netherlands
  • more than half of EBITA (earnings before interest, taxes and amortization) of premix and feed specialties from growth geographies in 2016
  • further growth in markets for non-salmonid species to a share of 45% of fish feed revenues in 2016
  • EBITA margin guidance increases for fish feed and premix and feed specialties

The company recently signed an agreement with ForFarmers for the sale of Hendrix.

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