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German wheat, potato field trials destroyed

Two German field trials involving genetically modified plants were destroyed by unknown attackers, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research reported. The trials in Gross Lüsewitz and in Üplingen (Saxony-Anhalt) were being funded by the German Ministry of Research to develop new risk assessment methods.

Two German field trials involving genetically modified plants were destroyed by unknown attackers, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research reported.

The trials in Gross Lüsewitz and in Üplingen (Saxony-Anhalt) were being funded by the German Ministry of Research to develop new risk assessment methods. The vandalism caused damage worth hundreds of thousands of euros and politicians from almost all political parties condemned the attacks, according to the report. In Gross Lüsewitz, trial fields of potatoes and wheat, each 265 square meters, were destroyed. In the Üplingen display garden, trial fields of potatoes were destroyed. 

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