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High feed cost versus feed efficiency improvement

We are faced with a new wave of high feed prices, and improving feed efficiency is perhaps the best solution to this problem.

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Several options to consider to combat high prices

We are faced with a new wave of high feed prices, and improving feed efficiency is perhaps the best solution to this problem. This is a worldwide problem caused by a variety of reasons. Unless something dramatic happens, grain prices will remain high this year.

Below is a list of actions that can be considered with the help of a qualified nutritionist. Not all proposals can be applied at the same farm, but rather a selective combination must be used according to local conditions.

  1. Reduced market weight

Broilers and growing pigs tend to deposit more fat than lean meat once the protein deposit potential peaks. Marketing at a younger age always brings an improvement in feed conversion ratio (FCR).

  1. Leaner genetics

Through the same mechanism described above (depositing less fat), leaner genetics can offer feed cost savings, assuming these genetics are not more expensive to buy.

  1. Reduce feed wastage

In many commercial units, and especially those that use inexpensive feeders, up to 25% of feed can be wasted due to poor management of feeders, feed and animals.

  1. Animal health

It is widely accepted that healthy animals grow leaner and more efficiently compared with those of suboptimal health.

  1. Additives

All feed additives should be evaluated based on return on investment, and now is a good time to trim them down to only those that are absolutely necessary.

  1. Grinding cereals

It has been determined that for every 100 microns reduction in particle size, feed efficiency improves by 1.4%.

  1. Enzymes

Certain, but not all, enzymes work efficiently against the major non-starch polysaccharides found in cereals, especially in wheat (arabinoxylans) and barley (beta glucans).

  1. Mycotoxin detection

Animals invariably suffer lower performance when fed diets even with high levels of mycotoxins.

  1. Rebalanced diets

A qualified nutritionist is required to assess the changes needed to cut feed cost by reducing excesses, covering deficiencies or, preferably, both.

  1. Pelleting feed

Pelleted feed is most likely to improve feed/gain by 5% to 15% depending on diet nutrient composition, ingredients used and the weight class of the animals.

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