Optimizing gut health in the young pig is the foundation for efficient growing-finishing performance, and helps to maximize producer profitability. A healthy gut is the pig’s first line of defense, not only against disease-causing organisms, but also against dietary challenges that could negatively impact the pig’s productive performance.
Register at https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/298205865?linknumber=website to attend the webinar, “Establishing pig gut health – challenges and considerations,” sponsored by DuPont/Danisco and presented by WATT Global Media. The webinar will be presented Thursday, October 2, 2014, at 9 a.m. CDT.
Pig nutritionists, research and development and operations directors, veterinarians, production managers, purchasing directors, commercial directors in pig integration and feed mill companies world-wide should attend.
During the webinar, we will take an in-depth look at the various criteria that comprise a “healthy” gut, examine aspects of digestive physiology of the young pig after weaning, working toward a better understanding of the various factors that can impact gut microbiota balance. The webinar will examine the effect that some dietary anti-nutrients can have on digestion in the young pig, their consequences for gut health, and how we can potentially alleviate them with appropriate in-feed additives, and also how to deal with challenges in young pig nutrition and gut health in an era of reduced use of antibiotic growth promoters.
Featured speakers
Speakers for this webinar will be Dr. John Pluske and Dr. Gary Partridge.
Pluske is professor and Director of the Animal Research Institute at Murdoch University. He is the Australian-American Fulbright Commission Distinguished Chair in Agriculture and Life Sciences at Kansas State University, and a professor at Murdoch University in Perth, Western Australia. He gained his qualifications at the University of Western Australia, graduating first with a Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) degree and then a PhD, the subject of which was “Psychological and nutritional stress in pigs at weaning: Production parameters, the stress response, and histology and biochemistry of the small intestine.” He has since carried out post-doctoral studies on pig nutrition and health at the Department of Animal Science at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada and the School of Veterinary Studies at Murdoch University, Western Australia. He has also worked at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand, where he conducted research in pigs and chickens. Pluske returned to Murdoch University in Perth in 1999 and has since worked in several senior roles in the School of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences before assuming his current position. His current research is focused on swine nutrition and the digestive physiology of pigs, particularly piglets and weanling pigs, and also swine immune function and controlling enteric diseases in pigs without antimicrobials.
Partridge is global development and technical director at Danisco Animal Nutrition, specializing in swine. Before joining Danisco Animal Nutrition, he worked as a senior researcher at the Rowett Institute in Aberdeen, Scotland and then as a technical swine specialist in a premix company in the U.K. that later became a part of Nutreco. Partridge has penned numerous scientific peer-reviewed papers and abstracts, as well as many trade press articles. He has also given many invited presentations on feed enzyme technology and betaine application in farm animal nutrition at seminars and conferences around the world. A member of the British Society of Animal Science and the Nutrition Society, he is co-editor of the textbook “Enzymes in Farm Animal Nutrition.”