Poultry feed millers are under continued pressure to optimize their operations in order to meet customer demand. Doing this in an environment of uncertain feed ingredient prices and quality can prove difficult. The application of “best generation” feed enzymes can be a potential solution to ever-increasing feed costs by optimizing the ingredients’ usage and unlocking of hidden nutrients.
Register at https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/354548393?linknumber=website to attend a webinar titled, “Innovative Enzymes to Optimize Performance and Reduce Feed Cost,” sponsored by Novus and presented by WATT Global Media. The webinar will be held Tuesday, December 2, 2014, at 9 a.m. CST.
Attendees of this webinar will learn:
Feed enzymes are potential tool to reduce feed cost and manage the risks associated with anti-nutritional factors and variation in raw material quality.
Enzymes can unlock the hidden nutrients in feed ingredients and significantly increase their availability.
Optimization in feed formulations is the key in application of enzymes.
Enzymes allow poultry nutritionists to formulate less expensive diets and get the most out of each kilogram of feed.
Featured speakers for this webinar will be Dr. Ajay Bhoyar, senior manager, global poultry marketing at Novus; and Dr. Howard Simmins, enzymes expert consultant and director at InSci Associates Ltd.