All major classes of wheat in the U.S. are affected by deoxynivalenol (DON), according to Neogen’s Mycotoxin Report on September 21. The report said the milling quality of wheat has been reduced due to high DON levels.
DON has also been detected in wheat in Canada: In Ontario at 2-4 parts per million (ppm) and in Saskatchewan at more than 3 ppm.
Harvest for all small grains other than spring wheat have been completed. Spring wheat harvest is nearly finished and remains ahead of the five-year average.
The U.S. barley harvest is complete, with confirmed reports of DON in barley in Virginia, Maryland, North Dakota and Minnesota.
Corn development, outlook
Neogen’s report said corn development in the dented stage is slightly ahead of the five-year average, while fully mature corn is five points behind the five-year average. Development in Iowa, Missouri, Michigan and North Dakota is more than 10 percent behind average maturity.
Corn planted late in areas that experienced wet conditions and cooler temperatures is maturing later, leading to an increased risk of vomitoxin, the report said. Reports of aflatoxin in corn have been confirmed in South Carolina, Texas, Kansas, Georgia, North Carolina and Virginia. Fumonisin has been confirmed in Texas, North Carolina and California.
The U.S. corn harvest is four points behind the five-year average, with Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri and Tennessee more than 10 percent behind average development.
Richard Brock of Brock Associates said corn harvest in the South is slightly ahead of normal, while harvest in the Midwest is slower.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) lowered expected corn yield from 168.8 bushels per acre to 167.5 bushels per acre. Expected yields in Nebraska and Missouri were lowered the most, from 187 to 184, and from 152 to 148, respectively.
Brock said the amount of corn in good to excellent condition is very high, especially in key states Minnesota, Iowa and Nebraska, where high yields are expected.