FIAAP Asia, VICTAM Asia and GRAPAS Asia 2014 will be held at the Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre (BITEC) in Bangkok from April 8-10. The event will feature more than 200 exhibitors from various industry sectors from around the world.
FIAAP Asia 2014 will profile the range of specialty ingredients and additives used within the production of animal feeds, aquafeeds and pet foods.
VICTAM Asia 2014 will profile the specialty technology and systems, together with ancillary equipment, that produce safe, nutritious animal feeds cost effectively. The production of biomass pelleting also is included within this exhibition.
GRAPAS Asia 2014 will profile ingredients, specialty technology and systems, together with ancillary equipment that are used in rice and flour milling, grain processing etc. Companies also will exhibit the latest technology for grain preservation, transportation, storage, etc.
New for 2014 are the ASEAN Feed & Rice Symposium and the ASEAN Feed Summit. These forums will discuss what the effects will be when and if the new free trade zone is enacted in 2015. Senior executives from the Asian Development Bank, the ASEAN Secretariat and the FAO will present keynote speeches on these subjects and food security. The Feed Summit will meet in closed session.
A series of conferences also will be held during the event:
- The FIAAP Conference, which will cover animal feed ingredients and additives.
- Petfood Forum Asia, which will cover pet food production technology and ingredients.
- Aquafeed Horizons Asia, which will cover aquafeed production technology and ingredients.
- The Thai Feed Conference, with topics to be announced.
- Pellets Update Asia, which will cover biomass pellet production technology and use within Asia/Pacific.
- The GRAPAS Conference, which will cover rice milling technology, grain storage, transportation and preservation.
- Good Management Practice, which will cover how to achieve internationally recognized mill management standards.
Visitors can register online at, or