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Infographic: Biomin’s World Mycotoxin Survey

For its World Mycotoxin Survey for the first quarter of 2017, Biomin conducted more than 14,000 analyses on 3,715 finished feed and raw commodity samples from 54 countries from January to March 2017.


For its World Mycotoxin Survey for the first quarter of 2017, Biomin conducted more than 14,000 analyses on 3,715 finished feed and raw commodity samples from 54 countries from January to March 2017.

On average, there were 30 mycotoxins and metabolites per sample; 9.5 out of 10 samples were contaminated with fusarium toxins, aspergillus toxins or both; and 96 percent of samples contained 10 or more mycotoxins and metabolites. Seventy-six percent of samples contained more than one mycotoxin, 18 percent contained one mycotoxin, and 6 percent had contamination below the limit of detection.

Biomin said corn, soy and finished feed saw a rise in mycotoxin contamination levels. Mycotoxin contamination levels have risen in Europe and throughout the western hemisphere, with elevated risk levels also in Asia.

After deoxynivalenol (DON), fumonisins (FUM) are the second most prevalent mycotoxin worldwide, the survey found, with DON detected in 80 percent of samples and FUM in 71 percent.

“The main fusarium mycotoxins are frequently related to subclinical symptoms which are not very obvious on the surface but usually have a greater economic impact for the industry,” Dr. Timothy Jenkins, mycotoxin risk management product manager at Biomin, said in a press release. “The presence of several mycotoxins at low levels can silently impair productivity with poorer feed efficiency and low growth rates.”

“Multiple mycotoxin contamination of feed presents additional problems, as certain combinations of mycotoxins are known to have synergistic effects that aggravate the negative consequences for animals,” the press release said.

Symptoms of DON contamination in animals include reduced feed intake and feed refusal. According to Biomin, research has shown the combination of DON and FUM in animal feed severely impair vaccine response and gut health.

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Mycotoxin Infographic

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