Product showcase highlights the latest animal feed industry technologies, feed additives.
The COVID-19 pandemic forced the cancellation of nearly all in-person trade exhibitions serving the global animal feed industry. The 2020 New Product Reveal aims to highlight the latest feed-focused technologies introduced to the market in the last 12 months or so. In a typical year, many decision-makers would have been introduced to these products by a sales representative in person or at a trade show, but, given the circumstances, instead Feed Strategy provides a comprehensive collection of the latest product and service offerings.

Additius | Addiyell 6%

- Highest concentration of a Natural Yellow pigment for poultry on the market
- Formulated with flavoring agents as antioxidants
- Approved for Label Rouge feed
- Tailor-made mixtures with its Natural Red pigment too

Adiveter, S.L. | Adifarm

- Exclusive combination of butyric acid active ingredients together with other organic acids and essential oils to ensure intestinal microbial balance
- Maintains intestinal health by promoting the balance of the intestinal microbiota by controlling the main pathogens
- Promotes the growth of beneficial endogenous bacteria, the absorption of nutrients and digestion and intestinal integrity
- Beneficial effects throughout the entire gastrointestinal tract

Alltech | Bio-Mos 2

- Yeast-based prebiotic that drives cattle health and performance, especially during periods of high stress
- Enhanced, second generation
- Maximizes gastrointestinal integrity and stability
- Aids in nutrient utilization to optimize average daily gain

AlzChem Trostberg GmbH | Creamino®

- Creatine source
- Energy buffer ATP/ADP metabolism to provide additional energy for healthy growth
- Improvement of BWG + muscle meat yield
- Energy sparing

Andrés Pintaluba | APSAGUT TOTAL

- Blend of MCFA and coated essential oils, focused on swine de-medicalization programs
- Promotion of intestinal health and intestinal barrier integrity
- High efficiency as a modulator of intestinal microflora
- Contrasted results in field trials

Anpario plc | Orego-Stim TD

- Provides a source of 100% natural oregano essential oil on a dextrose carrier, designed for individual sow management and easy on-farm application by daily top dressing on to sow diets
- Supports sow gut health to help optimize nutrient absorption and feed efficiency
- Maintains sow body condition, especially useful in parity one and two, and supports optimal sow lactation performance.
- Improves piglet health and reduced medication use, improved lifetime performance

Arm & Hammer Animal and Food Production | CERTILLUS Targeted Microbial Solutions™

- Uses strains of Bacillus targeted to combat pathogens on dairies
- Reformulated as part of Arm & Hammer Animal and Food Production’s Microbial Terroir™ process, which analyzes samples of manure and forages from across the nation to reassess and characterize the diversity of clostridia and other pathogenic threats
- Findings used to develop a combination of proprietary Bacillus strains – including several newly discovered strains recently added to the portfolio –best suited to address the prevalent pathogens in a region
- Allows dairies of all sizes to utilize the most current Bacillus technologies on their operation

Automation Products, Inc. | DJ Level Switch

- Field-proven, handles high or low point level detection of bulk solids successfully
- Maintain consistent results
- No moving parts, factory calibrated
- Simple installation on hopper, silos and bins

Berg+Schmidt GmbH & Co. KG | LipoVital

- Broad active spectrum against different bacteria and virus
- Providing energy supply
- Supporting the gut flora
- Tailor-made products available

Bioiberica | Nucleoforce Livestock

- Supports early maturation of digestive and immune system in piglets and broilers
- Carryover effect sow to piglet
- Proven effect on body weight gain and FRC in early-stage broilers
- Proven effect on the incidence of diarrhea in piglets

Canadian Bio-Systems | Maxi-Nutrio®

- Fortified with proprietary yeast bioactive technology
- Source of bioavailable yeast carbohydrates
- Strengthens intestinal health to help withstand enteric challenges
- Approved for use in organic and RWA systems


- Natural feed solution, alternative to antibiotics, for the control of a balanced intestinal flora and the improvement of the integrity and functioning of the digestive tract
- Contributes to the health of the intestinal epithelium
- Regulates transit and improves animal growth
- Contributes to the limitation of zinc releases into the environment and to demedication for a reduction of the use of antibiotics

D&D Ingredient Distributors, Inc. | SynTech™ RGI

- Probiotic and prebiotic power for dairy and beef cattle
- Helping sustain animal performance under “stacking effect” of multiple stressors
- Patented live yeast strain with prebiotic MOS and beta-glucans
- Two proven, stable, probiotic Bacillus species

Enzyme Innovation | SEBoost

- Bioactive immunomodulator
- Promotes the immune defense system for monogastrics
- Helps minimize immunosuppression
- Supports prevention during an outbreak

Evonik Operations GmbH | AMINONIR®

- Precise NIR analytics in your hand, when and where you need it
- Easy to use: no sample preparation, no laboratory needed
- Can be used to analyze more than 40 feed ingredients and finished feeds
- Reports provide all necessary nutritional parameters to optimize your feed formulation and control your feed quality

Evonik Operations GmbH | Ecobiol® Fizz

- Fast effects on microbiota in stressful periods such as feed changes or vaccinations and when feed intake is low
- Easy dosing of one tablet per 1,000 L drinking water and flexible usage according to animal needs
- Homogeneously distributed in water even after several hours
- Reduced biofilm formation and clogging

Evonik Nutrition & Care | Porphyrio®

- Poultry management software based on IoT, Big Data, Biostatistics and AI
- Collects data from any data source in a way that suits every customer
- Monitors daily flock performance to manage and detect problems at an early stage
- Predicts the outcome of the process, like end weight for broilers, egg production for layers and breeders, hatchability for breeders, egg mass for layers

EW Nutrition | Grippozon

- Mucolytic, easing the respiratory process
- Fast acting to provide quick relief in challenging situations
- Excellent water mixability, ensuring high bioavailability
- Standardized to provide consistent, reliable benefits

Finna Sensors | OMNIR On-Line Near Infrared Moisture Sensor

- Accurately measures moisture, instantaneously and non-destructively, to ensure increased uptime and greater profitability
- System continuously reports on 19 internal points to monitor sensor health and keep operation running smoothly
- Built to withstand harsh conditions and can be used on screw conveyors, belts, chutes, silos or even lab environments
- Cloud-based updates

Flint Hills Resources | NexPro® Protein

- Fermented corn protein with a high protein concentration (50%)
- Enriched with Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast (inactive)
- Consistent quality and supply with research proven results for application in a wide range of diet formulations
- Sustainable alternative of plant and animal proteins that is free of allergens and anti-nutritional factors present in soybean-based ingredients

FRA®melco | FRA® Glycerides

- Effective pathogen control for AGP reductions
- Stimulate intestinal health for lower FCR
- Optimize natural body defense to lower mortality

Hamlet Protein A/S | FiberStart

- Rich in digestible protein and low in content of anti-nutritional factors
- 19% higher butyric acid production
- Better hindgut fermentation and organic acids production
- Same high growth performance as when using zinc oxide at pharmaceutical level in nursery pigs

HealthTech BioActives (HTBA) | Bioflavex

- Rich citrus flavonoids complex made from bitter orange and grapefruit
- Acts directly and effectively in the gut as an antioxidant, immunomodulator and anti-inflammatory in monogastric animals
- Contributes to the regulation of the intestinal microbiota in chickens, limiting the growth of pathogenic bacteria and consequently, facilitating the development of beneficial bacterial populations
- Improves and stabilizes rumen fermentation and acidity in cattle, modulating eating behavior, reduces stress, and agonistic and sexual interactions, improving animal welfare

Industria Italiana Integratori TREI S.p.A, a LIVISTO company | IMMUNITY STIM

- Liquid oral solution composed of phytogenic ingredients that act as health promoters in poultry
- Acts as antioxidant, intestinal barrier protector and immuno-stimulant to combat health challenges
- Recommended in vaccination programs and health challenges
- No withdrawal time, no resistances and no toxicity

Innovad | Cerebra

- Controls Streptococcus suis and meningitis
- Triggers immune stimulation
- Reduces inflammation
- Exerts anti-bacterial and anti-pathogenic activity

Innovad | Myco-Marker Service

- Measures the risk of mycotoxins with a feed analysis
- Measures the impact of toxins on the animal with a blood analysis
- Provides combined interpretation of risk (feed) and impact (blood biomarkers)

Kemin Animal Nutrition and Health EMENA | KESSENT® M

- Source of metabolizable methionine for ruminants
- 75% DL-Methionine/>90% Rumen Escape/>90% Intestinal Availability/>608 g of MP Methionine/kg of product
- High product stability when the product is handles, included in a total mixed ration or in a premix vitamin and delivered/supplied at farm level
- Formulate diets with higher efficiency, precision, health, and sustainability by reducing nitrogen, phosphorus and CO2-eq excretion while improving production performance

Kemin Animal Nutrition and Health – North America | VANNIX™ C4

- Unique combination of phytogenic ingredients and probiotics, featuring tannic acid extract – a novel hydrolysable tannin – and a patented strain of probiotic, Bacillus subtilis PB6
- Supports intestinal integrity by reducing lesions due to coccidiosis 1 and 2 and necrotic enteritis 3 and helps coccidiosis-vaccinated poultry maintain performance
- Improves overall gut health, which can lead to improved performance
- Contains standardized active ingredient levels to ensure consistent response

KSE Process Technology B.V. | ALFRA Box Dosing System

- Automates the preparation of micro-ingredients for animal feed production
- Accurate, reliable and fast micro-dosing
- Eliminates prone-to-error manual additions and health & safety risks for employees
- Offline independent placement possible

KW Alternative Feeds | NovaPro

- High bypass rape expeller product, delivers excellent performance
- Improved amino acid balance when compared to soy, which can boost milk production and drive the cows dry matter intake
- Reduces the crude protein content of the diet giving you cost savings on feed

Lacto Production | Lactolac 35

- Milk replacer for calves, 22% proteins and 21% fat, includes 35% skim milk powder
- Rich in dairy proteins allowing high digestibility
- Optimal growth and complete nutrition
- Supply of probiotic which acts as intestinal flora barrier

Layn Natural Ingredients USA | TruGro® GH

- Improves body weight by maintaining the integrity of the tight junctions that regulate the paracellular pathway in the intestine
- Blocks the ingress of potentially damaging and toxic substances
- Saves energy and protein expended to counteract negative effects

Manuka Biotech | BTR MCT

- Combination of modified bioactive GML and tributyrin
- Double antimicrobial efficacy: antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activities
- Assists in the repair of damaged mucosa in the digestive tract and improves the body’s anti-inflammatory defenses
- Lowers pH to sterilize drinking water and reduces biofilm formation

MilliporeSigma | FLASH Rapid Protein Detection Test

- Total protein visual test rapidly detects protein residues left on product contact surfaces after cleaning
- FLASH can help minimize the risk of cross-contamination to allergen-free product and reduce the opportunity for overall biological contamination
- Quick and simple pass/fail test read by visual color interpretation
- Supports process verification to ensure cleaning methods to remove allergens effectively are consistently applied

MTech Systems | Sonar

- Real-time feed bin monitoring
- Artificial intelligence-based consumption forecasting
- Daily feed conversion calculation by formula
- Automated link with feed mills for re-ordering
Looking for more new 2020 feed industry products? Find 28 more products online: https://bit.ly/36svfMi

NeoFeed | Optimilk®

- Improved milk production of +1.8kg/cow/day with constant quality
- Formulated blend of four aromatic families from 100% natural ingredients
- Energy and protein bypass via action on rumen microbiota, i.e., amylolytic and proteolytic bacteria
- Contribution to the reduction of N-NH3 and CH4

NEOGEN | Mycotoxin Solutions Program

- One-stop-shop for complete mycotoxin mitigation strategies
- Advanced support and training programs
- Services are performed at its ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited laboratory

Nutrex | Phytostar®

- Enhances pathogen and toxin resistance
- Reduces oxidative stress
- Protects liver and kidneys
- Improves feed efficiency and promotes a healthy gut


- Alternative, sustainable solution to support gut health, improve feed efficacy and boost performance of broilers
- Combines metabolites from both land plants (phytogenics) and marine algae (phycogenics) to improve digestibility and secure gut health of animals
- Micro-encapsulation protects active ingredients for a high stability and optimal release in the gut
- Consistent efficacy to improve performance of broilers in different regions of the globe and different types of formulations

Olmix | Algoguard

- Maintains natural defenses leading to a higher resilience of animals before and during challenges
- Optimizes technical performance and farm profitability
- Unique association of biologically active macroalgae extracts
- Proven to be resistant to heat treatment and extrusion


- Collapsible and lighter tare weight for space savings and freight economy
- Moisture-proof exterior wipes clean from spills and splashes, no additional shroud required
- Easy pop-up design with no additional assembly required, simply drop in the food-grade cassetted liner and begin filling
- Structural strength comes from SuCore panels made from 100% sugarcane bagasse

Pathway Intermediates | YeaMune-UP

- One-of-a-kind immune accelerator
- Fermented c. boulardii product
- Rich in β-glucan, mannan-oligosaccharides (MOS)
- Inhibit pathogenic bacteria

Pathway Intermediates | Q-Life

- Natural alternative to anticoccidials
- For 100% AGP-free production
- Improve animal performance and control coccidiosis
- Do not require withdrawal period and leaves no residue in animals

Pathway Intermediates | ProBe-Bac

- A mixture of bacteriophages for high performance and safe
- Selected bacteriophages based on 200,000 animal diagnosis annually
- Two versions of the products: ProBe-Bac PE for poultry and ProBe-Bac SE for swine
- Effectively control various disease prevalent in poultry or swine industry

Phosphea | Calseagrow

- Increases antioxidant reserve in layers, which helps manage feed quality issues, heat stress or any environmental changes leading to oxidative stress
- Decreases Feed Conversion Ratio
- Increases total eggs production, eggs quality and decrease sorted eggs number
- Condition of use: 1 kilogram/ton of feed in the last 10 to 20 weeks of production

Provita Supplements Inc. | BONSILAGE Corn+ WS Silage Inoculant

- Available for organic silage production
- Enables a reliable fermentation process
- Protects against dry matter losses during feed out
- Supports the production of propylene glycol

Simple Ag Solutions | Target Weight Toolkit

- Accurately predict bird weights 21 days into the future
- Simple data input that works within existing workflows to collect data
- Independent analysis of each farm and house in the operation provides unparalleled insight into each flock
- In-app tabular and calendar views allow managers to build harvest schedules and see accurately predicted headcount and live weights at harvest

SRC Nutrition | SRC Probiotics

- Bacillus strains offer increased stability
- Improves digestion and enhances intestinal barrier function
- Aids in the manufacturing of digestive enzymes
- Stimulates epithelial mucin production and support the immune system

Sweet Manufacturing Company | Flite-Veyor® Low Profile Drag Conveyor

- For use under grain bins or dump stations
- Functions as a reclaiming system to minimize the use of tall and expensive grain bin stem walls
- 15-degree curve section eliminates the need for deep elevator pits or receiving systems
- Available in 1012 and 1812 models for capacities up to 7,750 bushels/hour

The Andersons, Inc. | ANDVantage 40Y™

- 40% protein product from the U.S. dry grind ethanol industry
- Corn-based, low in both fiber and anti-nutritional compounds
- Contains spent yeast from the fermentation process
- Highly digestible, plant-based protein product that can be used in rations for a variety of livestock species, such as all vegetable-based diets for poultry and rumen-undegraded protein for lactating dairy cows

The Andersons, Inc. | ANDVantage 50Y™

- ANDVantage 50Y is a 50% protein product from the U.S. dry-grind ethanol industry
- Corn-based product containing the spent yeast from the fermentation process
- Concentrated protein source, low in both fiber and anti-nutritional compounds
- Contains 80% more lysine and 30% more arginine than corn gluten meal; 50% more methionine and 35% more total sulfur amino acids than soybean meal

Tonisity | PxW WeanBetter

- Water-soluble solution for weaned or fattening pigs
- Delivered through the normal water lines
- Palatable formula in smell and taste
- Improves water intake and intestinal function during the weaning transition

VDL Packaging | UVA InMotion 500

- VFFS machine with minimum floor space in high-speed operation
- Largest VFFS web width (1.350mm) in the industry
- Feature flexibility for extra product freshness, easy bag handling, reclose ability, optimum shelf presentation and bag style variety
- High performance with 40 bags per minute

WEM Automation | WEM Analytics

- Advanced report package displays various dashboards to improve overall plant operations
- Compares data for a period of time or functional area, e.g., receiving, drying, grinding, batching, etc.
- Web-based, “drag n’ drop” software accessible by a desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone
- Automation control system accesses both PLC and transactional data stored in the SQL database

YesSinergy Agorindustrial | GlucanGold

- Better weight gain and immune status
- Improved feed conversion
- Promotes immunomodulatory effect
- Mortality reduction
Editor’s note: All products included in the New Product Reveal were submitted by the companies who responded to our call-for-new-products mailer. Is your company’s new product missing? Please contact Feed Strategy editor, Jackie Roembke, [email protected].