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2020 New Product Reveal: 55 feed industry innovations

Find out about the new feed industry product innovations released in 2020, including the latest feed additives, equipment and services.

The New Concept 2020 In The Business. Businesswoman Showing 2020
Natali_Mis |

Product showcase highlights the latest animal feed industry technologies, feed additives.

The COVID-19 pandemic forced the cancellation of nearly all in-person trade exhibitions serving the global animal feed industry. The 2020 New Product Reveal aims to highlight the latest feed-focused technologies introduced to the market in the last 12 months or so. In a typical year, many decision-makers would have been introduced to these products by a sales representative in person or at a trade show, but, given the circumstances, instead Feed Strategy provides a comprehensive collection of the latest product and service offerings.

Additius AddiyellAdditius | Addiyell 6%

  • Highest concentration of a Natural Yellow pigment for poultry on the market
  • Formulated with flavoring agents as antioxidants
  • Approved for Label Rouge feed
  • Tailor-made mixtures with its Natural Red pigment too

Adiveter S l AdifarmAdiveter, S.L. | Adifarm

  • Exclusive combination of butyric acid active ingredients together with other organic acids and essential oils to ensure intestinal microbial balance
  • Maintains intestinal health by promoting the balance of the intestinal microbiota by controlling the main pathogens
  • Promotes the growth of beneficial endogenous bacteria, the absorption of nutrients and digestion and intestinal integrity
  • Beneficial effects throughout the entire gastrointestinal tract

Alltech Bio MosAlltech | Bio-Mos 2

  • Yeast-based prebiotic that drives cattle health and performance, especially during periods of high stress
  • Enhanced, second generation
  • Maximizes gastrointestinal integrity and stability
  • Aids in nutrient utilization to optimize average daily gain

Alz Chem CreaminoAlzChem Trostberg GmbH | Creamino®

  • Creatine source
  • Energy buffer ATP/ADP metabolism to provide additional energy for healthy growth
  • Improvement of BWG + muscle meat yield
  • Energy sparing

Andres Pintaluba 2Andrés Pintaluba | APSAGUT TOTAL

  • Blend of MCFA and coated essential oils, focused on swine de-medicalization programs
  • Promotion of intestinal health and intestinal barrier integrity
  • High efficiency as a modulator of intestinal microflora
  • Contrasted results in field trials

Anpario Orego StimAnpario plc | Orego-Stim TD

  • Provides a source of 100% natural oregano essential oil on a dextrose carrier, designed for individual sow management and easy on-farm application by daily top dressing on to sow diets
  • Supports sow gut health to help optimize nutrient absorption and feed efficiency
  • Maintains sow body condition, especially useful in parity one and two, and supports optimal sow lactation performance.
  • Improves piglet health and reduced medication use, improved lifetime performance

Arm And Hammer CertillusArm & Hammer Animal and Food Production | CERTILLUS Targeted Microbial Solutions™

  • Uses strains of Bacillus targeted to combat pathogens on dairies
  • Reformulated as part of Arm & Hammer Animal and Food Production’s Microbial Terroir™ process, which analyzes samples of manure and forages from across the nation to reassess and characterize the diversity of clostridia and other pathogenic threats
  • Findings used to develop a combination of proprietary Bacillus strains – including several newly discovered strains recently added to the portfolio –best suited to address the prevalent pathogens in a region
  • Allows dairies of all sizes to utilize the most current Bacillus technologies on their operation

Automation Products Inc Dynatrol Division Dj Cip RelayAutomation Products, Inc. | DJ Level Switch

  • Field-proven, handles high or low point level detection of bulk solids successfully
  • Maintain consistent results
  • No moving parts, factory calibrated
  • Simple installation on hopper, silos and bins

Berg Schmidt Lipo VitalBerg+Schmidt GmbH & Co. KG | LipoVital

  • Broad active spectrum against different bacteria and virus
  • Providing energy supply
  • Supporting the gut flora
  • Tailor-made products available

Bioiberica Nucleoforce LivestockBioiberica | Nucleoforce Livestock

  • Supports early maturation of digestive and immune system in piglets and broilers
  • Carryover effect sow to piglet
  • Proven effect on body weight gain and FRC in early-stage broilers
  • Proven effect on the incidence of diarrhea in piglets

Cbs Maxi NutrioCanadian Bio-Systems | Maxi-Nutrio® 

  • Fortified with proprietary yeast bioactive technology
  • Source of bioavailable yeast carbohydrates
  • Strengthens intestinal health to help withstand enteric challenges
  • Approved for use in organic and RWA systems

Ccpa Group 2CCPA Group | IMMAX

  • Natural feed solution, alternative to antibiotics, for the control of a balanced intestinal flora and the improvement of the integrity and functioning of the digestive tract
  • Contributes to the health of the intestinal epithelium
  • Regulates transit and improves animal growth
  • Contributes to the limitation of zinc releases into the environment and to demedication for a reduction of the use of antibiotics

Dd Syn Tech RgiD&D Ingredient Distributors, Inc. | SynTech™ RGI

  • Probiotic and prebiotic power for dairy and beef cattle
  • Helping sustain animal performance under “stacking effect” of multiple stressors
  • Patented live yeast strain with prebiotic MOS and beta-glucans
  • Two proven, stable, probiotic Bacillus species

Enzyme Innovation Se BoostEnzyme Innovation | SEBoost

  • Bioactive immunomodulator
  • Promotes the immune defense system for monogastrics
  • Helps minimize immunosuppression
  • Supports prevention during an outbreak

Evonik AminonirEvonik Operations GmbH | AMINONIR®

  • Precise NIR analytics in your hand, when and where you need it
  • Easy to use: no sample preparation, no laboratory needed
  • Can be used to analyze more than 40 feed ingredients and finished feeds
  • Reports provide all necessary nutritional parameters to optimize your feed formulation and control your feed quality

Evonik Ecobiol FizzEvonik Operations GmbH | Ecobiol® Fizz

  • Fast effects on microbiota in stressful periods such as feed changes or vaccinations and when feed intake is low
  • Easy dosing of one tablet per 1,000 L drinking water and flexible usage according to animal needs
  • Homogeneously distributed in water even after several hours
  • Reduced biofilm formation and clogging

Evonik PorphyrioEvonik Nutrition & Care | Porphyrio®

  • Poultry management software based on IoT, Big Data, Biostatistics and AI
  • Collects data from any data source in a way that suits every customer
  • Monitors daily flock performance to manage and detect problems at an early stage
  • Predicts the outcome of the process, like end weight for broilers, egg production for layers and breeders, hatchability for breeders, egg mass for layers

Ew Nutrition GrippozonEW Nutrition | Grippozon

  • Mucolytic, easing the respiratory process
  • Fast acting to provide quick relief in challenging situations
  • Excellent water mixability, ensuring high bioavailability
  • Standardized to provide consistent, reliable benefits 

Finna Sensors OmnirFinna Sensors | OMNIR On-Line Near Infrared Moisture Sensor

  • Accurately measures moisture, instantaneously and non-destructively, to ensure increased uptime and greater profitability
  • System continuously reports on 19 internal points to monitor sensor health and keep operation running smoothly
  • Built to withstand harsh conditions and can be used on screw conveyors, belts, chutes, silos or even lab environments
  • Cloud-based updates

Flint Hills Resources Nex Pro ProteinFlint Hills Resources | NexPro® Protein

  • Fermented corn protein with a high protein concentration (50%)
  • Enriched with Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast (inactive)
  • Consistent quality and supply with research proven results for application in a wide range of diet formulations
  • Sustainable alternative of plant and animal proteins that is free of allergens and anti-nutritional factors present in soybean-based ingredients

Fr Amelco Fra GlyceridesFRA®melco | FRA® Glycerides

  • Effective pathogen control for AGP reductions
  • Stimulate intestinal health for lower FCR
  • Optimize natural body defense to lower mortality

Hamlet Protein Fiber StartHamlet Protein A/S | FiberStart

  • Rich in digestible protein and low in content of anti-nutritional factors
  • 19% higher butyric acid production
  • Better hindgut fermentation and organic acids production
  • Same high growth performance as when using zinc oxide at pharmaceutical level in nursery pigs

Htba BioflavexHealthTech BioActives (HTBA) | Bioflavex

  • Rich citrus flavonoids complex made from bitter orange and grapefruit
  • Acts directly and effectively in the gut as an antioxidant, immunomodulator and anti-inflammatory in monogastric animals
  • Contributes to the regulation of the intestinal microbiota in chickens, limiting the growth of pathogenic bacteria and consequently, facilitating the development of beneficial bacterial populations
  • Improves and stabilizes rumen fermentation and acidity in cattle, modulating eating behavior, reduces stress, and agonistic and sexual interactions, improving animal welfare

Livisto ImmunitystimIndustria Italiana Integratori TREI S.p.A, a LIVISTO company | IMMUNITY STIM

  • Liquid oral solution composed of phytogenic ingredients that act as health promoters in poultry
  • Acts as antioxidant, intestinal barrier protector and immuno-stimulant to combat health challenges
  • Recommended in vaccination programs and health challenges
  • No withdrawal time, no resistances and no toxicity

Innovad CerebraInnovad | Cerebra

  • Controls Streptococcus suis and meningitis
  • Triggers immune stimulation
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Exerts anti-bacterial and anti-pathogenic activity

Innovad Myco Marker ServiceInnovad | Myco-Marker Service

  • Measures the risk of mycotoxins with a feed analysis
  • Measures the impact of toxins on the animal with a blood analysis
  • Provides combined interpretation of risk (feed) and impact (blood biomarkers)

Kemin Kessent MKemin Animal Nutrition and Health EMENA | KESSENT® M

  • Source of metabolizable methionine for ruminants
  • 75% DL-Methionine/>90% Rumen Escape/>90% Intestinal Availability/>608 g of MP Methionine/kg of product
  • High product stability when the product is handles, included in a total mixed ration or in a premix vitamin and delivered/supplied at farm level
  • Formulate diets with higher efficiency, precision, health, and sustainability by reducing nitrogen, phosphorus and CO2-eq excretion while improving production performance

Kemin Vannix C4Kemin Animal Nutrition and Health – North America | VANNIX™ C4

  • Unique combination of phytogenic ingredients and probiotics, featuring tannic acid extract – a novel hydrolysable tannin – and a patented strain of probiotic, Bacillus subtilis PB6
  • Supports intestinal integrity by reducing lesions due to coccidiosis 1 and 2 and necrotic enteritis 3 and helps coccidiosis-vaccinated poultry maintain performance
  • Improves overall gut health, which can lead to improved performance
  • Contains standardized active ingredient levels to ensure consistent response

Kse Process Alfra Dosing SystemKSE Process Technology B.V. | ALFRA Box Dosing System

  • Automates the preparation of micro-ingredients for animal feed production
  • Accurate, reliable and fast micro-dosing
  • Eliminates prone-to-error manual additions and health & safety risks for employees
  • Offline independent placement possible

Kw Alternative Feeds Nova ProKW Alternative Feeds | NovaPro

  • High bypass rape expeller product, delivers excellent performance
  • Improved amino acid balance when compared to soy, which can boost milk production and drive the cows dry matter intake
  • Reduces the crude protein content of the diet giving you cost savings on feed

Lacto Production Lactolac 35Lacto Production | Lactolac 35

  • Milk replacer for calves, 22% proteins and 21% fat, includes 35% skim milk powder
  • Rich in dairy proteins allowing high digestibility
  • Optimal growth and complete nutrition
  • Supply of probiotic which acts as intestinal flora barrier

Layn Tru GroLayn Natural Ingredients USA | TruGro® GH

  • Improves body weight by maintaining the integrity of the tight junctions that regulate the paracellular pathway in the intestine
  • Blocks the ingress of potentially damaging and toxic substances
  • Saves energy and protein expended to counteract negative effects

Manuka Biotech Bte MctManuka Biotech | BTR MCT

  • Combination of modified bioactive GML and tributyrin
  • Double antimicrobial efficacy: antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activities
  • Assists in the repair of damaged mucosa in the digestive tract and improves the body’s anti-inflammatory defenses
  • Lowers pH to sterilize drinking water and reduces biofilm formation

Millipore Sigma FlashMilliporeSigma | FLASH Rapid Protein Detection Test

  • Total protein visual test rapidly detects protein residues left on product contact surfaces after cleaning
  • FLASH can help minimize the risk of cross-contamination to allergen-free product and reduce the opportunity for overall biological contamination
  • Quick and simple pass/fail test read by visual color interpretation
  • Supports process verification to ensure cleaning methods to remove allergens effectively are consistently applied

M Tech Systems SonarMTech Systems | Sonar

  • Real-time feed bin monitoring
  • Artificial intelligence-based consumption forecasting
  • Daily feed conversion calculation by formula
  • Automated link with feed mills for re-ordering

Looking for more new 2020 feed industry products? Find 28 more products online:

Neofeed OptimilkNeoFeed | Optimilk®

  • Improved milk production of +1.8kg/cow/day with constant quality
  • Formulated blend of four aromatic families from 100% natural ingredients
  • Energy and protein bypass via action on rumen microbiota, i.e., amylolytic and proteolytic bacteria
  • Contribution to the reduction of N-NH3 and CH4

Neogen Mycotoxin Solutions ProgramNEOGEN | Mycotoxin Solutions Program

  • One-stop-shop for complete mycotoxin mitigation strategies
  • Advanced support and training programs
  • Services are performed at its ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited laboratory

Nutrex PhytostarNutrex | Phytostar®

  • Enhances pathogen and toxin resistance
  • Reduces oxidative stress
  • Protects liver and kidneys
  • Improves feed efficiency and promotes a healthy gut


  • Alternative, sustainable solution to support gut health, improve feed efficacy and boost performance of broilers
  • Combines metabolites from both land plants (phytogenics) and marine algae (phycogenics) to improve digestibility and secure gut health of animals
  • Micro-encapsulation protects active ingredients for a high stability and optimal release in the gut
  • Consistent efficacy to improve performance of broilers in different regions of the globe and different types of formulations

Olmix AlgoguardOlmix | Algoguard

  • Maintains natural defenses leading to a higher resilience of animals before and during challenges
  • Optimizes technical performance and farm profitability
  • Unique association of biologically active macroalgae extracts
  • Proven to be resistant to heat treatment and extrusion

Pack Gen Lt Liquid TotesPackGen | LP LIQUID TOTE

  • Collapsible and lighter tare weight for space savings and freight economy
  • Moisture-proof exterior wipes clean from spills and splashes, no additional shroud required
  • Easy pop-up design with no additional assembly required, simply drop in the food-grade cassetted liner and begin filling
  • Structural strength comes from SuCore panels made from 100% sugarcane bagasse

Pathway Intermediates Yea Mune Up
Pathway Intermediates
| YeaMune-UP

  • One-of-a-kind immune accelerator
  • Fermented c. boulardii product
  • Rich in β-glucan, mannan-oligosaccharides (MOS)
  • Inhibit pathogenic bacteria

Pathway Intermediates Q LifePathway Intermediates | Q-Life

  • Natural alternative to anticoccidials
  • For 100% AGP-free production
  • Improve animal performance and control coccidiosis
  • Do not require withdrawal period and leaves no residue in animals

Pathway Intermediates Pro Be BacPathway Intermediates | ProBe-Bac

  • A mixture of bacteriophages for high performance and safe
  • Selected bacteriophages based on 200,000 animal diagnosis annually
  • Two versions of the products: ProBe-Bac PE for poultry and ProBe-Bac SE for swine
  • Effectively control various disease prevalent in poultry or swine industry

Phosphea CalseagrowPhosphea | Calseagrow

  • Increases antioxidant reserve in layers, which helps manage feed quality issues, heat stress or any environmental changes leading to oxidative stress
  • Decreases Feed Conversion Ratio
  • Increases total eggs production, eggs quality and decrease sorted eggs number
  • Condition of use: 1 kilogram/ton of feed in the last 10 to 20 weeks of production

Provita Supplements Bonsilage Corn PlusProvita Supplements Inc. | BONSILAGE Corn+ WS Silage Inoculant

  • Available for organic silage production
  • Enables a reliable fermentation process
  • Protects against dry matter losses during feed out
  • Supports the production of propylene glycol

Simple Ag Target Weight ToolkitSimple Ag Solutions | Target Weight Toolkit

  • Accurately predict bird weights 21 days into the future
  • Simple data input that works within existing workflows to collect data
  • Independent analysis of each farm and house in the operation provides unparalleled insight into each flock
  • In-app tabular and calendar views allow managers to build harvest schedules and see accurately predicted headcount and live weights at harvest

Src Nutrition Src ProbioticsSRC Nutrition | SRC Probiotics

  • Bacillus strains offer increased stability
  • Improves digestion and enhances intestinal barrier function
  • Aids in the manufacturing of digestive enzymes
  • Stimulates epithelial mucin production and support the immune system

Sweet Flite VeyorSweet Manufacturing Company | Flite-Veyor® Low Profile Drag Conveyor

  • For use under grain bins or dump stations
  • Functions as a reclaiming system to minimize the use of tall and expensive grain bin stem walls
  • 15-degree curve section eliminates the need for deep elevator pits or receiving systems
  • Available in 1012 and 1812 models for capacities up to 7,750 bushels/hour

The Andersons And Vantage 40 YThe Andersons, Inc. | ANDVantage 40Y™

  • 40% protein product from the U.S. dry grind ethanol industry
  • Corn-based, low in both fiber and anti-nutritional compounds
  • Contains spent yeast from the fermentation process
  • Highly digestible, plant-based protein product that can be used in rations for a variety of livestock species, such as all vegetable-based diets for poultry and rumen-undegraded protein for lactating dairy cows

The Andersons And Vantage 50 YThe Andersons, Inc. | ANDVantage 50Y™

  • ANDVantage 50Y is a 50% protein product from the U.S. dry-grind ethanol industry
  • Corn-based product containing the spent yeast from the fermentation process
  • Concentrated protein source, low in both fiber and anti-nutritional compounds
  • Contains 80% more lysine and 30% more arginine than corn gluten meal; 50% more methionine and 35% more total sulfur amino acids than soybean meal

Tonisity Px WTonisity | PxW WeanBetter

  • Water-soluble solution for weaned or fattening pigs
  • Delivered through the normal water lines
  • Palatable formula in smell and taste
  • Improves water intake and intestinal function during the weaning transition

Vdl Packaging Uva In Motion 500VDL Packaging | UVA InMotion 500

  • VFFS machine with minimum floor space in high-speed operation
  • Largest VFFS web width (1.350mm) in the industry
  • Feature flexibility for extra product freshness, easy bag handling, reclose ability, optimum shelf presentation and bag style variety
  • High performance with 40 bags per minute

Wem Automation Wem AnalyticsWEM Automation | WEM Analytics

  • Advanced report package displays various dashboards to improve overall plant operations
  • Compares data for a period of time or functional area, e.g., receiving, drying, grinding, batching, etc.
  • Web-based, “drag n’ drop” software accessible by a desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone
  • Automation control system accesses both PLC and transactional data stored in the SQL database

Yes Sinergy Glucan GoldYesSinergy Agorindustrial | GlucanGold

  • Better weight gain and immune status
  • Improved feed conversion
  • Promotes immunomodulatory effect
  • Mortality reduction

Editor’s note: All products included in the New Product Reveal were submitted by the companies who responded to our call-for-new-products mailer. Is your company’s new product missing? Please contact Feed Strategy editor, Jackie Roembke, [email protected].

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