Company says uncertainty around antidumping petitions led it to this decision
Headline updated for clarity; please review the original press release linked in the article.
Adisseo will discontinue imports of its powder methionine product Rhodimet NP99 (DLM) from France into the U.S. market after February 2021, the company said in a press release.
The company cited antidumping petitions filed by Novus International Inc. with the U.S. Department of Commerce and International Trade Commission on July 29. Those petitions requested the agencies investigate imports of methionine from Spain, France and Japan consistent with the World Trade Organization (WTO) Anti-dumping Agreement. Imports of methionine from the three countries are priced substantially lower than domestic producers’ shipments.
The volume of methionine imports into the United States from the three countries increased by more than 200% from 2017 to 2019, and another 29% between the first quarter of 2019 and first quarter of 2020.
“We believe fair and competitive business practices are integral to the health of our industry and are necessary to protect our customers and consumers everywhere,” said Dan Meagher, president and CEO, Novus International Inc., said at the time when the petitions were filed.
“Adisseo believes that these claims were unfounded, and has been working diligently to present its case to the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC), which investigates injury to a U.S. industry, and the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC), which determines whether unfair pricing has occurred,” the company said in a statement on December 3.
Adisseo said the uncertainties generated by the situation led it to make the decision to discontinue imports of Rhodimet NP99 (DLM) to coincide with the projected date for the DOC’s preliminary determination.
“When there is additional clarity from the ITC and DOC regarding the final duties that may be imposed on imports from our French and Spanish production facilities, we may re-evaluate this position,” the company said.
“Adisseo would like to reassure its U.S. customers that no matter the outcome of the DOC’s decision on the (antidumping) case, we will continue to supply the U.S. market with its remaining product portfolio, and will meet all of its current contractual obligations. Adisseo continues to support the overall growth in the methionine sector, such as through a second production facility in Nanjing, China, which is expected to come online mid-2022,” the statement said.