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New research identifies optimum enzyme ratios for matrix benefit

A new four-way comparative study from AB Vista has identified the precise combination of phytase and xylanase required to effect significant improvement in the nutritional matrix – and associated savings in feed cost.

A new four-way comparative study from AB Vista has identified the precise combination of phytase and xylanase required to effect significant improvement in the nutritional matrix – and associated savings in feed cost.

The research, to be presented at the Poultry Science Association’s Latin American Scientific Conference in São Paulo, Brazil, from November 6-8, investigated the effect of four variants of feed formulation on a total of 912 male chicks.

Distributed via a randomized complete block design, with four treatments across 12 pen replicates, chicks received diets ranging incrementally from an enzyme-free feed, to a diet fully supplemented with 2,000FTU/kg of Quantum Blue phytase and 9,600BXU/kg of Econase XT xylanase.

Summarizing the results recorded from zero to 42 days of age, AB Vista’s LAM Technical Manager, Dr. Alexandre Barbosa de Brito, reveals:

“A significant difference was observed across weight corrected FCR, which was reduced by 27 points in birds fed the fully supplemented diet, compared to those receiving the enzyme-free feed. Evaluating the total cost of production, broilers receiving fully supplemented diets were cheapest across all four treatments – proving that this strategy generates a real competitive advantage in terms of both performance and profits.”

The study is one in a series of 10 poultry and swine trials supporting the company’s new enzyme application, Maximum Matrix Nutrition – which delivers complete phytate breakdown, reduces viscosity and increases fiber fermentability. Mr de Brito outlines the related mode of action:

“The precisely calibrated application of phytase and xylanase essentially has a dual effect, increasing the use of amino acids, minerals and energy, whilst also working on the respective substrates to minimize antinutritive effects. The cumulative benefit for producers is a considerable improvement in feed efficiency – and a significant reduction in feed costs.”

In broiler validation trials conducted globally, the new application has generated average feed cost savings in excess of US$15 per ton.

The oral presentation, abstract #197, is titled ‘Mineral, amino acid, and energy sparing effect of a high dose of phytase, combined with xylanase, on performance, foot pad dermatitis, tibia ash, and carcass yield of male broilers from 1 to 42 days’. It will run for 10 minutes during the Metabolism and Nutrition, Enzymes I session at the Imperial Ballroom G-H on November 7 at 4.20pm.

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