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Arm & Hammer expands family of targeted microbial solutions

Every day, cattle, swine and poultry are under siege by pathogenic bacteria. In fact, one estimate notes that more than 80 types of bacteria, such as E. coli, Salmonella and Clostridium, pose serious threats to the poultry industry alone.

Every day, cattle, swine and poultry are under siege by pathogenic bacteria. In fact, one estimate notes that more than 80 types of bacteria, such as E. coliSalmonella and Clostridium, pose serious threats to the poultry industry alone.

What if you had a new weapon in the war against these disease-causing culprits? One that takes on these microscopic enemies at their level and wins?

Arm & Hammer announces the addition of proprietary Bacillus strain 1704 to its Certillus Targeted Microbial Solutions portfolio.

Broad-spectrum weapon

“This newly discovered Bacillus strain offers broad-spectrum activity against various species and strains of E. coli, Clostridium and Salmonella bacteria,” said Dr. Xandra Smith, Arm & Hammer manager of microbial ecology and genetics.

“Additionally, the strain has application in facilities and environments for poultry, swine, dairy and beef cattle as producers work against the pathogenic disease threats that hamper or even destroy animal health and production,” she adds.

This discovery is the result of Arm & Hammer’s extensive and ongoing screening process that’s designed to help enhance and expand the Certillus portfolio’s coverage of pathogenic diversity.

“For livestock and poultry producers, the discovery of Bacillus strain 1704 helps improve the effectiveness of on-farm interventions with our Certillus portfolio,” Smith said. “It’s a new tool for our continually evolving toolbox to help our customers better tackle the bacterial challenges their herds and flocks face.”

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