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FOSS to hold feed analysis technical seminar at VIV Asia 2013

FOSS is exhibiting at VIV Asia 2013 (Hall 103, Booth F075) and will present a free technical seminar on how feed producers can make the best of raw materials through advanced feed analysis. FOSS will also be part of VIV Aisa's official conference program.

FOSS is exhibiting at VIV Asia 2013 (Hall 103, Booth F075) and will present a free technical seminar on how feed producers can make the best of raw materials through advanced feed analysis. The topics and presenters are:

  • “Precise nutrition evaluation – Latest research” by Cecile Gady, research manager NIRS & feedstuff, Adisseo 
  • “Optimizing profits through NIR – Working relationship between Nutreco and FOSS in Asia” by Nabil Chinniah, vice president Asia Pacific, Trouw Nutrition Indonesia, a Nutreco company 
  • “Examples from instant quality optimization of feed, meat and dairy production” by Martin Andersson, Ph.D. and Kowalski Award in NIR & Chemometrics, FOSS Japan 

The seminar will be held March 14, 1:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m. 

FOSS will also be part of VIV Aisa’s official conference program. International Market Manager, Feed & Forage, Laura Locatelli will present the many options now available through near infrared (NIR) analytical technology to optimize feed production process and quality control. Locatelli will give the presentation at the CropTech-FeedTech Conference on March 13, at 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. 

In addition to its presentations, FOSS will be exhibiting a range of advanced in-line and bench top NIR analytical solutions for the feed and meat industries together with solutions for chemical analysis. Among the products on show is ProFoss feed analyzer for continuous inline analysis directly in the feed production process. For benchtop analysis in the laboratory or in the production, the NIRS DS2500 offers NIR accuracy for a broad range of applications, from checking protein content to determining the amount of digestible amino acids for an improved feed conversion ratio. The NIRS DA1650 analyzer for use in the laboratory or in the production environment will also be on show.

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