Now in its 26th year, SPACE 2012 will take place September 11 through September 14 at the Rennes Exhibition Centre in France. Billed as “The show in touch with livestock industry issues,” organizers are looking to build on the success the show has experienced in previous years.
Increase in registrations
As of mid-May, organizers have reported that more than 1,100 exhibitors have registered for the annual event. This number is an increase over the same time period for 2009 and 2011, both of which were years that saw record attendance levels.
Of the exhibitors registered, there are 822 French companies and 295 international companies. Businesses new to the show number 125; of those, 37 are international.
In addition, total surface area requested by exhibitors is also showing an increase. To date almost 54,500 square meters of space has been requested, an increase of 3,300 square meters over 2011.
Meetings, presentations and events
There will be a number of opportunities for meetings and contacts at SPACE events:
• Research and Development Platform. This event follows on last year’s session, “Ecologically Intensive Agriculture,” and will present a foretaste of the buildings and materials of the future – for cattle farms in 2012 and for the poultry and pig sectors in 2013.
• Education. A wide range of symposia and conferences will take place at the show.
• Employment. A speed meetings service, designed to help job seekers in the livestock industry, will take place following the success of the same event in 2011.
• Competitions. Livestock competitions and presentations will feature the Prim’Holstein France challenge and the Limousin Festival as particular highlights this year.
Media Coverage
For the sixth consecutive year, SPACE and Terre-net Média are joining together to provide media and events coverage of the show on Space Terre-net Web TV. Agricultural professionals, their partners and the general public will be able to see, before, during and after SPACE, a film of the major trends for 2012 and the main events of the show.
Starting in May, seven webcasts on, and will include major features, people and animals involved in the competitions, as well as useful new products and services in the Innov’SPACE awards and R&D.
• The first webcast will take place in May, featuring the main attractions at the 2012 show
• In July, there will be a “special” webcast on the Innov’SPACE award-winners
• In August, there will be a webcast on “The passion at the heart of livestock farming”
• In September, there will be three webcasts: Innov’SPACE Special 3-star winners/the day before the show, behind the scenes at SPACE/Live from SPACE
From September 11-14, SPACE Terre-net Web TV will be providing 50 reports and webcasts live from Rennes, so members of the agricultural industry can follow events from the show. For additional information or to register, go to