Exclusive preview from Feed International:
World compound feeds produced by industrial manufacturers for food animals and aquaculture reached 884.4 million metric tons in 2015, in figures compiled for Feed International's latest exclusive World Feed Panorama survey of feed industry trends.
Read the entire World Feed Panorama report in the April/May issue of Feed International.
One of the most significant factors to affect the survey’s results over the years has been the dominance of the biggest players, and we found that the two largest producers have switched ranking positions. In past years, the first place for size has been taken regularly by the People’s Republic of China. For 2015, however, we place the United States in the No. 1 slot on the basis of the volume of compound feeds produced.
View these charts to learn more about the world’s top compound feed producers:
Percentage of growth in world compound feed production 2000-2015
World feed production trend 2000-2015
Compound feed volume trend of the top five feed-producing regions 2005-2015
2015 compound feed market share by region
2015 compound feed production of Top 20 countries
2015 regional production of compound feeds
Market share of top countries' 2015 compound feed production