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NARA announces National Rendering Day

National Rendering Day established as April 21

Will be celebrated every April 21st

The North American Renderers Association (NARA) is proud to announce that the first National Rendering Day will be observed on April 21, 2023. NARA and National Day Calendar have issued the attached proclamation recognizing rendering with this important National day, to be celebrated every 21st of April.

The date of April 21st was specifically chosen to fall on the day before Earth Day (April 22) in order to represent the sustainable nature of the rendering industry and its contributions to food waste reduction and environmental protection.

“Rendering companies and their employees are longstanding members of their communities, improving the quality of life by volunteering and supporting local charities, providing jobs, and offering essential recycling services for farmers, restaurants and food service,” NARA President and CEO Kent Swisher said. “Rendering upcycles by-products that would otherwise be wasted and is the purest example of the circular economy. The observance of National Rendering Day is a great way to educate the public on the efforts and strides of renderers and the positive environmental impacts of rendering.”

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