Portal to assist industry with exporting animal products
Effective January 1, 2021, the FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) will no longer issue the following certificates on unique CVM paper with a gold seal: Current Good Manufacturing Practice Certificates, Certificates to Foreign Government, Certificates of Free Sale and Certificates of Exportability. Exporters will now be able to access these certificates online and print them on their own.
In addition, as a result of renegotiation of CVM’s Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the World Health Organization (WHO), WHO no longer requires Certificates of a Pharmaceutical Product (CPP) to be issued on unique paper; for documents to be grommeted to these certificates; or for ribbon and gold seal to be attached to CPPs. Going forward, all CPPs will be printed on regular office paper with an image of the gold seal and ribbon. Foreign governments will be able to verify any of the above certificates by using the website link found at the bottom of the certificate.