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Unibio to boost sustainable production of protein

FEED-X has chosen UNIBIO to boost sustainable production of protein.

FEED-X program chose Unibio to tackle sustainability challenges

The international FEED-X program has chosen Unibio as one of the top 10 selected innovators for its non-GMO, non-land- or non-ocean-based and organic protein – Uniprotein product. The objective of the FEED-X program is to replace 10% of the conventional protein in the feed mix globally by adopting sustainable alternatives that will significantly reduce feed-related environmental impacts. FEED-X counts with the support of the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF), the United Nations Environmental Programme and other mission-aligned partners, such as IKEA and Skretting.

The expectations for Unibio’s contribution to the FEED-X program are high. Thanks to the Uniprotein product Unibio has the capacity to undertake the core task for which FEED-X has been designed: To tackle the sustainability challenges of producing feed for animals and fish at a fast-paced global level. This is exactly the potential of the Uniprotein product produced on Unibio’s U-Loop technology; the unlimited amount of methane on this planet can be turned into an unlimited amount of proteins. FEED-X’s long-term goal is to provide the world’s growing population with food produced in a more sustainable and environmentally conscious way.

Sustainable protein – meeting four out of 17 UN SDGs

Marcela Navarro, CEO of Project X, is delighted. “We are thrilled to be moving forward with such a talented innovator; this is a company that has four of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals woven into their DNA. Unibio has demonstrated an incredible potential for sustainable performance and an inspiring commitment to making a positive difference on this planet. The idea behind the Uniprotein product is incredible, and we are very much looking forward to seeing Unibio’s potential unfold through FEED-X.”

Henrik Busch-Larsen, Unibio CEO: “In a future where we have to reduce the global environmental footprint of feed production significantly, we believe that Unibio delivers a game-changing technology. Imagine applying the global abundance of methane to produce an almost unlimited supply of protein. No need to add additional stress to the world’s oceans or agricultural systems. No need to clear more rainforest. This is the opportunity presented by the Unibio technology.”

Henrik Busch-Larsen continues: “Slipping through the FEED-X loophole was a stamp of approval. The collaboration holds big potential for Unibio in terms of taking us to the next level of becoming a significant worldwide supplier of non-polluting and environmentally friendly protein.”

Uniprotein – a sustainable protein

The Uniprotein product is produced based on fermentation of a microbial culture using any type of methane as feedstock – it is an organic product and can easily be produced at a very large scale. The Uniprotein product also boasts excellent standards of quality. It has a 70% protein content that easily replace high-value proteins like super-prime fishmeal and highly concentrated soy products, especially in aquaculture feeds and as starter feed for piglets. The Uniprotein product creates less stress for life on land and less stress for life below water.

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