A mycotoxin not previously seen in the U.S. corn crop this year was confirmed in corn in one state in the past week, according to Neogen’s Mycotoxin Report from November 23.
Zearalenone was confirmed in corn in North Carolina at more than 250 parts per billion.
Other mycotoxins that have been reported in the U.S. corn crop this year are:
- Texas
- North Carolina
- California
- Kansas
- Pennsylvania
- Virginia
- Indiana
- Ohio
- New York
- Wisconsin
- Missouri
- Illinois
- Iowa
- South Dakota
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Georgia
- Texas
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Virginia
- Oklahoma
- Kansas
- Tennessee
- Alabama
Last week, conditions were favorable for harvest, with temperatures near normal for most of the U.S. The upper Midwest saw warmer-than-normal temperatures and the Atlantic coast saw heavy rains.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture says 96 percent of the corn crop has been harvested. That is well ahead of the 88 percent at this time one year ago, and two points ahead of the five-year average.
Colorado is 8 points behind the five-year average for harvest completion at this time.