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Animal Health & Veterinary
Livestock & Poultry Diseases: Page 2
Poultry Health & Disease
Phage therapy in the poultry industry
Mark Clements talks to Pablo Cifuentes, chief technology officer with PhageLab, about how phage use in the poultry industry is set to increase.
Livestock & Poultry Diseases
Anthrax confirmed in beef herds in Wyoming
Anthrax has been confirmed in multiple beef herds in Wyoming, the first cases in the state in cattle since the 1970s, according to the Wyoming Livestock Board.
Livestock & Poultry Diseases
Symptoms of acidosis in feedlot cattle
Acidosis, a metabolic disorder, can develop quickly, often within a few days after introducing a high-grain diet or after making significant changes to the ration without an adequate adaptation period.
Avian Influenza
CDC: Human with avian influenza had no contact with animals
The Missouri patient, who had underlying conditions, has since recovered.
Animal Nutrition Views
Hemoglobin levels and piglet performance
Ioannis Mavromichalis: Hemoglobin is crucial for oxygen transport in the blood, and its levels are a good indicator of the piglet’s overall health, particularly in relation to iron levels and anemia.
African Swine Fever
Philippines begins controlled ASF vaccination campaign
Elsewhere, a new virus variant has been detected in Vietnam, and more African swine fever outbreaks have been reported in Bhutan, India and Indonesia.
Dairy Cow Health & Disease
California confirms H5N1 in 3 dairy herds
The agency said on August 29 that it was investigating the situation, and confirmed the positive tests on August 30. These cases are the state’s first cases of H5N1 in cattle.
Animal Health & Veterinary
USDA funds animal health programs for tribal partners
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) will award US$380,000 to support four new cooperative agreements with tribal partners through the National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program.
Dairy Cow Health & Disease
California reports suspected H5N1 cases in cattle
Samples have been taken from herds at three dairy farms in the state.
Poultry Health & Disease
How to prevent metapneumovirus in commercial poultry
Finding ways to halt secondary infections can be critical to stopping the spread of this respiratory virus.
African Swine Fever
ASF vaccination set to commence in the Philippines
Vaccination of domestic pigs against African swine fever (ASF) is scheduled to start in the Philippines at the end of this week.
Pig Health & Disease
WOAH names USDA facility to lead swine virus research
The World Organisation for Animal Health has designated the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility as the Collaborating Centre for Genomic Monitoring of Viral Swine Diseases.
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