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Top 10 articles about the animal feed industry from March

See what topics were the most popular in the animal feed industry in March.

From WATTAgNet:

See what topics were the most popular in the animal feed industry in March.

5 alternative broiler super pre-starter ingredients

Modern broiler production already appreciates the value of a high-density pre-starter feed. Such “super” feeds not only enhance early growth, but they also improve lifetime performance. In systems where antimicrobial and anticoccidials agents are banned by law or excluded by preference from broiler feeds, such super pre-starters appear to require further modifications.

Infographic: Feed shortage limits organic poultry sector growth

While consumer demand for organic products is growing rapidly, poultry producers will be challenged to meet it due to one key constraint: the supply of organic feed.

Broiler super pre-starter formulation secrets revealed

We have already discussed the reasons and benefits from using a super pre-starter broiler formula during the first seven days post-hatch. We have also deliberated about ingredients that make such formulas so special, giving them that extra boost young chicks require early in life.

Infographic: Veterinary Feed Directive timeline

Gary Huddleston, manager of feed manufacturing, safety and environmental affairs for the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA), gave a regulatory update presentation at USPOULTRY’S Feed Mill Management Seminar, held recently in Nashville, Tennessee.

Mycotoxins severe or high in 60 percent of world regions

Mycotoxin-related threats to livestock production are severe or high in 60 percent of regions worldwide according to the latest BIOMIN Mycotoxin Survey. Those areas registered three or more major mycotoxins at concentration levels known to cause harm in animals. The survey results provide insights on the incidence of the six major mycotoxins in the agricultural commodities used for livestock feed.

8 tips for feeding cage-free layers

Taking laying hens out of cages makes a big difference. The extra freedom allows them to move around expending energy and putting pressure on their bones. Cage-free hens also compete more for their daily ration, and they come in contact with their excreta.

3 reasons feed additives fail, how to make them succeed

Trying to identify the difference between success and failure requires, in my opinion, three traits: knowledge, experience and effort. So, let me set the scene before I offer my thinking on why some feed additives are more successful than others, whereas some fail miserably. As a Ph.D.

Who cares about antioxidant nutrition?

Do natural ingredients contain enough antioxidants that we should not worry about them? Clearly we are missing something.

Soybean meal quality beyond protein concentration

Most nutritionists distinguish soybean meal based on its crude protein concentration: 44 or 48 percent, and anything in between. Few of us take into account the origin of our soybean, not only because it is often difficult to know, but also because we assume that soybean meals from different sources can be used interchangeably.

Foster Farms to build organic feed mill

Foster Farms is planning to construct a new organic feed mill to be located next to its conventional feed mill in Tulare County, California.

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