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India providing subsidy for cattle feed

India's Chief Minister N Rangasamy will be providing cattle feed and calf feed to milk producers living below the poverty line at a 75% subsidized rate, according to reports. The subsidized rate for cattle feed is Rs 3.60 (US$0.07) per kilogram and Rs 3.80 (US$0.07) per kilogram for calf feed.

India’s Chief Minister N Rangasamy will be providing cattle feed and calf feed to milk producers living below the poverty line at a 75% subsidized rate, according to reports.

The subsidized rate for cattle feed is Rs 3.60 (US$0.07) per kilogram and Rs 3.80 (US$0.07) per kilogram for calf feed. Milk producers can obtain feed permits from the respective primary cooperative milk producers society and get feed from the veterinary dispensary in their area.

The chief minister has also announced three new livestock rearing plans under a 50% subsidy to increase milk and meat production in the area. So far, 400 elite dairy farms have been set up, with 1,200 elite crossbred milch cows and 1,250 goats being reared.

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