Hamlet Protein, market leader in vegetable protein specialty ingredients for starter and pre-starter feeds, sponsored the Passion for Pigs Seminar and Trade Show that was held in Sedalia, Missouri (US) in November. Passion for Pigs aims to brought the latest cutting-edge research, world renowned speakers and provided time for interaction between the audience and industry leaders.
Megan Bible, Hamlet Protein technical manager, presented on how anti-nutritional factors can impact swine performance and how what options are available to swine producers to avoid the harmful impact of ANF-s.
Bible explained: “Even though soy is an excellent vegetable protein, soy also contains components which can hinder the digestibility in the gut of the young animal. Ensuring the lowest possible anti-nutritional factors in soybean-based ingredients is key to improving the performance, health, and welfare of animals. Hamlet Protein is a renowned expert delivering specialty protein ingredients with minimum ANF content, through our patented bio conversion process.”
Attendees of the event discussed the outlook for North American swine producers. 2023 so far has been a particularly challenging year for the industry that saw losses tied to high-raising costs and the closure of a few processing facilities. Even though feed costs are expected to see some decline in 2024, producers will still face high raising costs while pork demand will only show a limited recovery. That drives the discussion on how productivity and performance can be improved.
Grady Fain, regional director NCA at Hamlet Protein, commented: “We are proud to be sponsoring the Passion for Pigs Seminar and Trade Show and support the event with a Hamlet Protein speaker. Hamlet Protein is an established brand in piglet nutrition as our unique protein solutions efficiently increase productivity through better health status and trouble-free weaning. The Passion for Pigs event provides us with a great opportunity to engage with our customers.”
Hamlet Protein produces soy-based protein ingredients for young piglet, poultry and cattle feed at two production plants in Denmark and the US. Hamlet Protein services customers around the world through a network of own sales offices and distributors. Find out more www.hamletprotein.com