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DLG joins 'Agrievolution Alliance'

DLG is the first professional farming society to join as a strategic member.

The DLG (German Agricultural Society), an international organization dedicated to promoting knowledge-sharing in agriculture, has joined the international agriculture equipment manufacturers' association ,“Agrievolution Alliance”, as a strategic member.  

The Agrievolution Alliance, conceived in 2008 by the Italian agricultural machinery association Federunacoma, was founded in 2012 and is the global voice for the agricultural machinery industry. The confederation is made up of associations and organizations from agriculture equipment manufacturers from across the world, with a mission to support more than 6,000 agricultural machinery manufacturers and to promote the benefits of mechanization for global sustainable agriculture.

The Agrievolution Alliance is managed by AEM, the Association of Equipment Manufacturers, in Wisconsin, USA. The first professional farming society to join the Agrievolution Alliance, DLG enters the association through its subsidiary DLG Service GmbH.

A key objective of the DLG is to work for the good of the industry, and this strategic membership further extends on this core mission, as well as enabling collaboration on key issues and initiatives. Since 2011, DLG Service GmbH, DLG’s exhibition subsidiary, has been responsible for organizing the world's leading trade fairs Agritechnica and EuroTier, held in Germany biennially, among others. Membership in the Agrievolution Alliance extends the international network of the DLG’s trade fairs to agricultural machinery manufacturers worldwide further.  

With over 30,000 members, DLG is a politically independent and non-profit society with membership open to all. Its objective is to promote technical and scientific progress in agriculture and food. Drawing on an international network of experts in food and agriculture as well as subsidiary companies in nine countries, the DLG organizes over 30 regional arable and livestock exhibitions worldwide, in addition to its leading international trade fairs, EuroTier for livestock farming and Agritechnica for agriculture machinery and plant production, each taking place biennially in Hanover, Germany.  

Information on the Agrievolution Alliance is available at www.         

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