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Vote gives EU member states ability to ban GM crops

Vote gives EU member states ability to ban GM crops


From WATTAgNet:

The European Union has voted to allow member states the power to restrict or prohibit genetically modified (GM) crops in their territory.

In the future, member states will be able to ban GM crops once they establish grounds other than the environmental risk assessment conducted under the EU authorization system.

The vote goes further to establish a two-phase approach to ban the cultivation of GM crops, said Mairead McGuinness, vice president of the European Parliament.

“Phase 1 allows member states to participate in the GMO authorization procedure at an EU level. Member states can request the applicant or company to modify the scope of the geographical area intended for authorization.

“Phase 2 comes into effect after the authorization procedure is complete, member states can still prohibit the authorized GMO crop from being cultivated in their territory. However, there cannot be any conflict between national measures implemented and the environmental risk assessment carried out by EFSA,” she continued.

MON 810, a type of corn, is the only GM crop grown commercially in the EU. Spain is the largest grower of MON 810 in Europe, with 338,000 acres. MON 810 is marketed by Monsanto and is modified to be resistant to the European corn borer. It is banned in Austria, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary and Luxembourg.

The new law applies only to crops and not to GM ingredients in animal feed.


MEPs vote to give Member States powers over GMO cultivation

Today’s vote in the European Parliament grants Member States the power to restrict or prohibit the GMO cultivation in their territory, according to Mairead McGuinness MEP and Vice-President of the European Parliament. "The new Directive amends current legislation and allows Member States to pass …

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EU changes rules on GM crops

GM maize – file pic Public opposition to GM cultivation is strong in Europe The European Parliament has passed a new law giving states more flexibility by a big majority. A type of maize – MON 810 – is the only GM crop grown commercially in the EU. GM crops are used widely in the US and Asia, but many Europeans are wary of their impact on health and wildlife.

Read more at Axisoflogic

EU allows Member States to ban GM crops

Commenting on today’s decision by MEPs to allow EU countries to ban the growing of GM crops in their territories, Friends of the Earth Senior Food campaigner Clare Oxborrow said: "This decision is good news for nations like Scotland and Wales, whose political leaders have opposed GM crops and can now ban them from their fields.

Read more at Friends of the Earth

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