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Nutreco share buy-back program begins

Nutreco's share buy-back program for 1.4 million shares (approximately €45 million) started June 12. The share buy-back program will be carried out in order to cover future stock dividends and employee stock plans as announced on February 6.

Nutreco‘s share buy-back program for 1.4 million shares (approximately €45 million) started June 12. The share buy-back program will be carried out in order to cover future stock dividends and employee stock plans as announced on February 6.

The share buy-back program will be carried out in accordance with the mandate given by the annual general meeting of shareholders on March 27. Within the limits set at that meeting, the maximum price to be paid for the Nutreco shares will be 110% of the average closing price of the last five preceding trading days on the NYSE Euronext Amsterdam stock exchange. 

The share buy-back program will end on December 31, unless the maximum number of 1.4 million shares has been repurchased prior to that date. In that case, the program will end on the date on which this maximum is reached and the early termination will immediately be disclosed.

  Nutreco has hired ABN AMRO to undertake the share buy-back program. ABN AMRO makes its trading decisions with regard to the number of shares and the timing of the purchases, independently of Nutreco.

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