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US Grains Council facilitates industry-wide response to China’s US DDGS imports anti-dumping case

The U.S. Grains Council is coordinating an industry-wide registration process for interested U.S. companies in response to China's anti-dumping case against U.S. DDGS imports after calling the investigation "surprising" and one that "could be disruptive to trade." U.S. companies that want to participate in this industry effort should e-mail the Council with contact information by close-of-business Friday, Jan. 7, 2011.

The U.S. Grains Council is coordinating an industry-wide registration process for interested U.S. companies in response to China’s anti-dumping case against U.S. DDGS imports after calling the investigation “surprising” and one that “could be disruptive to trade.”

U.S. companies that want to participate in this industry effort should e-mail the Council with contact information by close-of-business Friday, Jan. 7, 2011. From there, legal counsel will contact each participant and provide the necessary registration form and instructions. The registration form must be completed and returned to the law firm by close-of-business Monday, Jan. 10. From there, the law firm will assume responsibility for translation and submission to China’s Ministry of Commerce by its Jan. 17 Beijing deadline.

“China’s unusual market and supply volatility over the last two years has resulted in new global trade flows,” said Grains Council President and CEO Thomas C. Dorr in response to the case. ”As trade flows change, it should perhaps not be surprising there would be an adjustment period in response to unprecedented demand. The United States takes pride in being a reliable supplier of high-quality feed and food grains and its ability to rapidly respond to global market demands.” Dorr said the Council looks forward to maintaining its good relationship with China and hopes for a positive resolution to the investigation.


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