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Newsfeed: Page 3
Ann Reus, Feed Strategy senior reporter, covers offbeat animal feed-related news and other topics.
Shakira learns wild boar a problem ‘Whenever, Wherever’
Pop star posts on Instagram about being ‘attacked’ by wild pigs in Barcelona, showing the widespread problem of the porcine pests
Ag industry leaders push for COVID-19 vaccinations
Thirty American agriculture industry associations have signed an open letter addressed to their members urging them to get vaccinated against COVID-19 if they have not already done so.
Bait and switch: Can contraceptives manage feral pigs?
In Texas, a new hog contraceptive is being used to manage the feral pig population.
Cargill CEO: Sustainability, regenerative ag are the future
Sustainability and regenerative agriculture practices are crucial to the future of the world’s food supply, according to Cargill CEO David MacLennan.
Vaccine hesitancy? Not among pork producers, NPPC says
Vaccine hesitancy among the rural population in the U.S. is something you may have heard a lot about, but the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) said many of its members are getting vaccinated against COVID-19.
Did ASF contribute to COVID-19?
A recent analysis suggests the pork shortage in China caused by African swine fever contributed to the spillover of COVID-19 from animals to humans as people sought out alternative sources of protein.
Reflections on our pandemic year
As we mark the one-year anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a lot of reflection on the past, but also a feeling of optimism about the future.
Survey: COVID-19 affecting rural mental health
A recent survey found 66% of farmers or farm workers said the COVID-19 pandemic has affected their mental health.
10 years of FSMA: How it started, how it’s going
AFIA’s Leah Wilkinson discusses what the Food Safety Modernization Act has meant for the animal feed industry and what to expect in the future.
American farmers, food safety shining stars in pandemic
A lot of truths have revealed themselves during the COVID-19 pandemic, among them the safety of the U.S. food supply and the resiliency of American farmers.
There’s no ‘silver bullet’ to overcome COVID-19
We can use our knowledge and experience from animal health to combat the spread of COVID-19.
10 thoughts about antimicrobial resistance from experts
In a recent panel discussion presented by the National Institute for Animal Agriculture, several veterinary experts shared what they’ve learned throughout their years of experience about antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in farm animals.
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