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Experts prep feed mill managers for FSMA implementation

Experts recently discussed how feed mill managers should prepare for Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) compliance.

Experts recently discussed how feed mill managers should prepare for Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) compliance, specifically the new rules for good manufacturing practices (GMP) and preventive controls, monitoring and verification activities.

“In your food safety plan, for every hazard that you have detailed or every area that you feel needs to have some measurement, you need to build control procedures,” said Brad Tipton, director of quality assurance with Pilgrim’s, during his presentation on “FSMA in the Feed Mill: One Company’s Implementation” at the USPOULTRY-sponsored 2015 Feed Mill Management Seminar in Nashville, Tennessee.

He noted that as part of the new rules for the GMP, feed mill managers are now mandated to maintain a written food safety plan, which must include a hazard analysis and preventive controls. He also reminded the managers of the importance of retaining proper hazard, maintenance and standard operating procedure records. “In the eyes of inspectors, if you did not write it down, you did not do it,” he said.

Dr. Henry Turlington, director of quality and manufacturing regulatory affairs for the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA), provided an overview of FMSA and the impact on feed mills. Turlington said the new law applies to all ingredient processing, all feed manufacturing, pet food, transportation, and feed and ingredient imports, saying that “current good manufacturing practices are good business practices.” He stressed the need to start with a process flow diagram, organize documents to meet needs, verify and validate current good manufacturing practices, and identify hazards and preventive controls.

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