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Erik de Graaff joins Van Aarsen International as new sales director

During his career Erik de Graaff has worked in different industry fields, both national and international, but the majority of his working years he has been active in the area of solids handling and processing in several industries like (pet-)food, plastics and the chemical industry.

Erik de Graaff has joined Van Aarsen International as its new sales director. He developed from Salesman to General Manager and Sales Director, with both national and international responsibilities.

During his career he worked in different industry fields, both national and international, but the majority of his working years he has been active in the area of solids handling and processing in several industries like (pet-)food, plastics and the chemical industry. The last decade he has been in the area of pelleting, grinding and conditioning in, among others, the animal feed industry.

This specific knowledge and his broad experience has given the Van Aarsen management team enough confidence to appoint him as the new Sales Director.

Erik intends to strengthen the global position of Van Aarsen as one of the leading companies in feed mill design and construction. By strengthening the agent network, creation of partnerships with customers and further development of the sales team, his aim is to secure the continuous growth of Van Aarsen.

He is proud to be part of an experienced group of experts, and is always striving to serve our global customers in the compound feed industry to his best abilities.

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