WATT Global Media’s Feed International have announced the addition of keynote speaker Peter Radewahn, managing director of the Deutscher Verband Tiernahrung (German Feed Association) and the chairman of the European Feed Manufacturers’ Federation’s (FEFAC) animal nutrition committee, to the Feed Ingredient and Additives (FIAAP) Conference, held in Cologne, Germany, on June 9.
“We’re delighted to have Peter onboard,” says Jackie Roembke, editor of Feed International magazine and FIAAP Conference organizer. “In addition to his 31 years working on behalf of the German feed producers, Peter’s work with FEFAC’s animal nutrition committee gives him a unique perspective on the greater issues affecting the European animal feed industry.”
Within DVT, Radewahn acts as a consulting member on feed legislation, nutritional systems and European markets. In addition to his many varied responsibilities within the organization, he lobbies on behalf of the feed industry regarding legislation in the German Federal Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection; German Parliament; and the EU Commission and EU Parliament.
Speaking as the acting chairman of FEFAC’s animal nutrition committee, his FIAAP presentation will focus on three major critical issues in the European feed industry: antibiotic replacement strategies; EFSA and the European Commissions’ high requirements on supplements and feed additives; and the importance of ensuring byproduct quality from global suppliers.
“Overall, I will focus on how the industry can work together with the regulatory bodies to combine requirements with gains,” Radewahn explains.
Radewahn also lectures at the University of Bonn on “Knowledge transfer in animal nutrition” and publishes Kraftfutter magazine.
Geared toward the interests of nutritionists, veterinarians, formulators and feed manufacturers, the one-day conference is co-located with the 2015 edition of VICTAM International, which combines the FIAAP, VICTAM and GRAPAS trade show exhibitions (and their respective conferences) under one roof at Koelnmesse in Cologne, Germany, June 9-11, 2015.
For more information or to register for the event, visit www.fiaap-conferences.com.