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Feed industry leader Bill Barr earns KSU alumni award

Feed industry leader BillBarr has been named the Kansas State University (KSU), College of Agriculture’sOutstanding Alumni. The award honors living alumni who personify the college’stradition of excellence – bringing distinction to themselves and to their almamater through outstanding achievements.

Feed industry leader Bill Barr has been named the Kansas State University (KSU), College of Agriculture’s Outstanding Alumni. The award honors living alumni who personify the college’s tradition of excellence – bringing distinction to themselves and to their alma mater through outstanding achievements.

Barr graduated from KSU in 1967 with a bachelor’s of science degree in feed technology with an emphasis on animal nutrition and a minor in chemistry. While attending KSU, Barr was a member of Alpha Mu, the honorary milling fraternity. 

Barr is the president and chief executive of Bill Barr & Company, which was founded by his father in 1956. Barr also served in the United States Army with the Military Intelligence Corps from 1968 through 1970 before returning to the family business. 

Barr has served as chairman of the board of directors for the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA). He has been very active in AFIA through many projects and served on many committees within the association, including being a trustee of IFEEDER, the Institute for Feed Education & Research. He is active in community projects including the Red Feather Club with United Way, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kansas City, Salvation Army of Kansas City and Friends of Art.

Barr’s further education includes business management and financial management courses with The Wharton School of Business. He is a former member of Manufacturers’ Agents National Association (MANA), former board member of the National Feed Ingredients Association (NFIA), past president of the Kansas Grain & Feed Manufacturer’s Association, past president of the Kansas City Feed Club, and is currently serving on the advisory board of U.S. Bank in Overland Park, Kansas.  

Earlier in 2014, Barr was a recipient of the KSU Department of Grain Science outstanding alumni award.

Barr is married to Kim Rock of Kansas City and has 3 grown stepchildren.

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