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102 top global livestock feed companies of 2015

The latest edition of WATT Global Media’s World’s Top Feed Companies listing reports 102 companies with more than 1 million metric tons of compound feed production in 2015.


The 2015 edition of the World’s Top Feed Companies report, which is drawn from the exclusive data collected by WATT Global Media’s research team and housed in’s Top Feed Companies database, has identified 102 companies from around the world with compound feed production reaching or exceeding 1 million metric tons.

Read the entire report about the World's Top Feed Companies exclusively in the October/November issue of Feed International.

This year, Feed International’s World Feed Panorama showed world compound feed volumes grew by 1.6 percent over 2014 figures to reach 884 million metric tons. Based on this estimate, the featured companies represent nearly 337 million metric tons of production, or 41.5 percent of the world tonnage in calendar year 2015.

Unlike in previous years, where Asian companies charted the most growth, in 2015 the greatest gains were experienced by European outfits. South American companies also logged growth in their compound volumes of 2014 figures. Of the 48 companies located in Asia-Pacific, very few marked growth in compound tonnage — some even seeing substantial drops in production. 

With an uptick in mergers and acquisitions in 2016, next year’s report will no doubt host a shift in the Top Feed Company rankings. Other evergreen factors — commodity costs, geopolitics, animal disease — may also effect the demand for compounds throughout the course of the year.

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